Hey Arizonans. I will be lurking to see what you guys are planting and growing. I'm in Camp Verde down near the river. Just waiting on my strawberry plants to come in the mail. I had to take all the old ones out as they wore out.
We have a little over an acre and my hubby and friend have 2 acres of garden across the road from us on our friends property. All that's left this year are tomatoes and onions. But it was a good summer especially for mellons.
I do from seed as well. Allhtough I will occasionally patronize Baker Nursery next to my work. They are a squidge overpriced, but they carry a REALLY wide range of starter plants. I am ok paying a little more for family businesses, and I have only seen sick plants once (the tomatoes had hornworms and they had just gotten them in)
OK- Here are some older pics. Non of this year's harvest yet, since I planted like, Aug 2nd
Purple brussels sprouts
Beans, squash, and peppers
My garden at planting 2007
Yellowstone carrot, nantes(?) carrot, and American Flag Leek
Asparagus peas...I think they taste the best
My giant squash with my giant 1st kid.
edited: I tossed out a bunch of white clover seeds in the yard for the chickies.
ALSO- I took some of those plastic bread flats, lined them with cheap black fabric, filled them with soil, and planted "sod" of chicken-friendly greens. I did one of radishes, white clover, and some older lettuce seed. I am using the flats to hold down the sea grass mats in the garden walkways. When one flat grows big enough, I pick it up and put the whole thing in the coop. Thus I get use out of "non gardening" space, no weeds, and a quick turnaround.
Beautiful garden Larissa! I can't wait until I get mine going. I'm going to do raised beds, just so my little monkeys stay out of them! LOL... My wood didn't come home yet.. Sigh... Hubby worked until 4 am, so he was in no shape to go pick it up for me. If all my kids fit in the truck I would have gone and loaded it myself, but 4 kids don't fit in a single cab!!!! He is off Tues-Thurs, so hopefully I will be able to start this week. Keep up the fabulous work!!!!!
I got my first veggies out of the garden for 2009. 2 little green beans that hadn't turned red yet (firetongue). Very yummy. I have been eating the basil for a while, but that doesn't count as a veggie.
Tonight: the lettuce is finally big enough for a salad!