OK, so I'm a wimp...


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
i won't write my whole list up, but i work around my
back problems ( gardening is my physical therapy! )...
i do all my garden work by hand using simple tools
like hoes, shovels, trowel, wheelbarrow, a large knife, etc.

between chiropractor and massage therapy i am drug
free (not always pain free, but i can ignore it) for the
past several years. my last major flair up in pain i was
contemplating surgery and forced myself to try the
chiropractor first. i'm glad i did. he straightened me
out over several months and since then i go back a few
times a year when i feel like i need it.

i have to take each day at a time as i never know when
it will change.

the toughest thing for me is that when winter comes
around shovelling snow isn't enough exercise and i hate
doing exercise just for the sake of exercise itself.
walking up and down the roads helps, but when it is icy
that is a hazard (and people aren't always paying
attention to what they're doing when they're driving).

if you've managed to read this far i have too much experience
with computers and printers. i print as little as possible
these days.
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Garden Master
Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
San Francisco East Bay
flowerbug, have you tried an exercise class. I find that helps me out a lot. I need to see my friends or regulars and the energy keeps me going. It also helps to have several buddies that you can text to see if they are coming or to motivate them to come.



Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
hi mary,

i used to practice Tai Chi many years ago and that was the last
time i could do that sort of thing. i really am not an "out and about"
type of person. what i just need to do is bop myself on the head
a few times until i get some sort of winter stretch and exercise
routine going. the more i am prodded the less likely i am to do it.
ornery cuss... :)


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
you do have to wait till plant dies back from frost right ? I have about 8 plants still flowering
I think that it is the consensus that fairly severe frost damage is a good thing for dahlia storage. Someone should correct me if I'm wrong but that is the way I have been doing it for a couple of decades.

@flowerbug , you are singing my song. Bad back, don't like exercise for exercise sake, not a sports kinda guy ...

I decided that I needed to exercise the cardiovascular system. Someone once said that if that is healthy, the individual is probably in good shape, even if he or she isn't especially athletic or strong. I really appreciate the stretching I do during the gardening months. Then, this season arrives ...

I'm gimpy, and olde, I was commenting to a friend that I can walk about 3 blocks through ice and snow piled high by the snow plow along a fairly busy roadway. It takes me the "required" 30 minutes some people think is the minimum time for cardio exercise and if a racing pulse rate of 110 from the anxiety is adequate, I've got it!

But, I don't think anxiety works :hu.

I have always enjoyed walks whether they counted as hikes or just getting from A to B, even after I began limping and needing a cane. Winter conditions are just not conducive for me to be walking outdoors every day!

So, I walk indoors. The pulse monitor and clock control my activity. Boooorrinnng! But, it's only 30 minutes. My brain pretty much shuts down. I am aware of my movements and breathing and that is about it ...add several glances at the clock.

There are some stretching movements that one can incorporate into the indoor walk. I need to do those or my heart rate won't be high enough. Outdoors, I can just maintain a good enuf pace; indoors, there are too many turns that slow me.

It's not much fun but it's quick and makes me feel better! What are these legs, our largest, strongest muscles? And, we fold them and that's IT? Gotta move ...



Deeply Rooted
Jun 11, 2017
Reaction score
North Idaho
Well that HURT! Appointment with the surgeon yesterday 'bout killed me. I actually saw his partner, she was really nice but had me trying to stand on my tippy-toes (almost fell over), rock back on both heels (did fall over), pushed n pulled n hit me repeatedly with her lil' rubber hammer. Actually the hammer hurt the least...o_O.
They are going to give me a steroid injection but the MRI place had my pain labeled for my left side, unfortunately it's my other left that hurts and that has to be fixed first for insurance sake. Hopefully the injection, and maybe a second if the first one helps, will be all I need. :fl I see the Dr. who does the surgeries next Wednesday after giving the injection(s) some time to do their thing. :fl

i do all my garden work by hand using simple tools
like hoes, shovels, trowel, wheelbarrow, a large knife, etc.
That's how I do it too @flowerbug. There is just something about working that dirt by hand that soothes my soul. I doubt if I'll be buckin' bales anytime soon, if ever again, but it sure would be nice to be able to at least muck out my pens, turn my compost piles and pick up my rabbits (fat does that they are!). I never have been much for exercising and not at all interested in sports (unless the Baltimore Ravens are playing) but have always enjoyed physical work, hard labor if you will. Guess I'm gonna hafta get me a smaller pitchfork... :(

I have always enjoyed walks whether they counted as hikes or just getting from A to B, even after I began limping and needing a cane. Winter conditions are just not conducive for me to be walking outdoors every day!

So, I walk indoors. The pulse monitor and clock control my activity. Boooorrinnng! But, it's only 30 minutes. My brain pretty much shuts down. I am aware of my movements and breathing and that is about it ...add several glances at the clock.
My folks had the same problem, they are in their mid 70's but very active people. In summer they have the campground to keep up but winter shuts that right down. Their solution was to get a treadmill. Pa rigged up a magazine holder on the front bar, he reads his woodworking mags and Mom reads hers... flowers, birds, cabins, she gets several mags. Now all they need is one of those CD's that play only bird chirps and creek noise, or maybe the whine of a tablesaw, in pa's case!

My critters and their care are excercise year-round, that's a good thing for me. I would be a total hermit if possible, I only leave my yard to go to Dr. or camping. DH even does most of the shopping, which actually saves us some $ since he sticks to the list! :D

...and I am off to do chores, gotta get me some of that fresh air, in my mucky pen...:lol:


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
I know nuthin about what goes on inside a gym. Visiting has no appeal to me.

(DW has doctors' offices next door to a gym and I notice that there are some attractive people entering and leaving the building ... :))

Machines are not favorite things but here is an article on 6 Low-Impact exercises one can be engaged with. There's swimming amongst the machine oriented.

They have to do with weight loss and weight gain will be a concern for me. I can focus better on diet but the temptations are out there and the opportunities have increased, at this time of year. Example: using half a Sweet Meat winter squash for Apple Upside Down Pumpkin Cake this morning! Coffee is hot. Nearly time for brunch!



Garden Master
Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
SW Washington
Glucosamine and Chondroitin are componients of cartillage and since there is no practical source for them in food, supplements were developed and was first used as a supplement for joint pain and arthritis issues in race horses. Later after good results from double blind scinetific studies were documented, the Glucosamine Chondroitin was introduced for human use also. I use the suplements with very good results.
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Deeply Rooted
Jun 11, 2017
Reaction score
North Idaho
Update: After waiting a full week for Dr. office to call, which they didn't, No injections, they won't help. Surgery sometime in December. Yay (not) another month of waiting... At least I should be good to go by Spring! :fl
Had to chuckle at the Dr., he told me not to be lifting anything over 15 lbs. I can't even lift a gallon jug with my right, if I remember right water weighs about 8 lbs./gallon. I am getting rather good at pouring with my left tho...
Borrowed a walker from my mom, I think I can use it to get up and down outside so I can finish popping a few "still in the pot" things in that I got early this summer and get my garlic planted. There are also three baby roses that I started from cuttings last fall that need to be moved but that might have to wait for spring, I am worried it is too late in the year and I would hate to lose them.

The two in the back are from the same plant, it was originally a rose from my grandpa's casket that Mom got started over 25 years ago. Deep orange and O so fragrant. The one in front is a pink climber, not much smell but very prolific bloomer. Now that I am thinking about it maybe I will just leave them this year and start a few more next to them, I have several buds out there...
But that's where I want to put my garlic! :barnie