Garden Master
What kind of bean(s) would you recommend growing for chili?
i like almost every bean. firm texture in some cases, other times creamy and fall apart, etc. so my quick answer would be grow them all.
had i known last night this question was coming by from you i'd have put another bean in the package i mailed to you and also sent it along.
it is a long cooking bean that won't easily fall apart so it is very firm and chewy.
Purple Dove is more of a medium or shorter cooking bean in comparison and it will fall apart but it's still good eats. i just happened to make a large pile of tex-mex chili with Navy Pea Beans (a small white bean) and Purple Dove (half and half). i don't normally have white beans around to cook with, but we were gifted with these so i'm going to use them up instead of eating all my home grown beans.
if you have good soil and the right climate a good dark red kidney bean is tops for flavor (if you like succotash with dark red kidney beans you probably know what i'm talking about). some people like the lighter red or the white versions too but i can't really get any of these to reliably grow here so i stick with what works (while i try to find other beans or methods that work too