Over the years i’ve mentored several folks who developed an interest in Organic gardening. The more you study, the more your head will explode from all the good ideas and advice you will discover. Some of it may be helpful but some of it wont; a lot depends on your situation; what you grow, how you water it, what you feed it etc.
I tell all of them “dont try to wrap your head around all this at once or you’ll loose interest.”
In my opinion the number one thing i try to pass along is “learning how to make good Compost tea”. There’s tea and there’s good tea; it’s simple enough for anyone to master and along the way you will be building up the microbe population in your ground. Those little buggers are your friend. You hear people talk a-lot about feeding the soil not the plant, this is what they are telling you.
I tell all of them “dont try to wrap your head around all this at once or you’ll loose interest.”
In my opinion the number one thing i try to pass along is “learning how to make good Compost tea”. There’s tea and there’s good tea; it’s simple enough for anyone to master and along the way you will be building up the microbe population in your ground. Those little buggers are your friend. You hear people talk a-lot about feeding the soil not the plant, this is what they are telling you.