Garden Master
It looks like Bambi is still searching for mom.
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You didn't make one into the other did you?
@Beekissed, did you buy those color portulaca all the same color in a pack, or find seeds that color? I see the mixed packs around here, but love the hot pink.Carol Dee, you have some of the prettiest flowers!!!
Took this pic today of petunias and portulaca....
View attachment 27594
I usually don't like succulents but portulaca stole my heart many years ago and I still love it today...
View attachment 27595
@MatthewsHomestead , I'm pretty sure that pretty red bug packs a real whollop of a sting. My DH calls the ground wasps. We see one or two around here every year. Do not touch! Other names are cow killer ant and red velvet ant. Remember the "cow killer ant" name, for safety, lol.no. I have never seen a bug like that so was frantically trying to get a good pic without getting too close. That thing was moving right along! The other was a pot of homemade spaghetti sauce with fresh herbs from my plants. Don't know why it put two of each in there....
A mixed pack last summer. They self seeded into this mixed up mass!@Beekissed, did you buy those color portulaca all the same color in a pack, or find seeds that color? I see the mixed packs around here, but love the hot pink.
Oh mylanta! I'll be sure to tell the kiddos should we see it again. That's the first sighting of it ever.... And it did not squash! Believe me I tried! I figured the brightly colored red meant stay away. So the pic was taken as safely as possible. Thank you for the warning!@MatthewsHomestead , I'm pretty sure that pretty red bug packs a real whollop of a sting. My DH calls the ground wasps. We see one or two around here every year. Do not touch! Other names are cow killer ant and red velvet ant. Remember the "cow killer ant" name, for safety, lol.