Price increases and shortages


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
DD started ordering 8 o'clock Dark Italian Roast beans directly from the company, which is AMERICAN, located, I think in Delaware. Price is better when shipped.
50 lbs of (horse) sweet feed jumped from $6.50 to $8.50 in 2 months.
I have kept the same hay man for years, and he said I will still get my 400 bales/hay and 50 bales/straw in July, like usual. Last year hay was $6/bale. Probably more expensive this year, but I can STORE it.
Buying 50 bales at a time when needed in the middle of the winter will be pricey next year.
Western boots are on "Sale", $200.00/pr :ep
Stock up on t.p., or whatever you can store, and learn to can. It isn't impossible to find supplies, just maybe locally for some. I have been fortunate, all of my local stores have jars, etc in stock, and I have accumulated a great many jars over the years.
I A L W A Y S clean my jars and put a new lid and non rusty screw top on them, then store in a box, THEN seal with a brand new garbage bag to keep out the humidity.
Every time I want to can my jars are ready to go.
Now that DD has taught me to use my pressure canner, and we successfully canned chili this winter, all foods (except squash) are game.
This weekend I am going to pressure can carrots, DD is pressure canning broth.
I store all of it, and give her a few jars at a time bc she has limited storage.

Artichoke Lover

Deeply Rooted
Dec 31, 2020
Reaction score
North Alabama zone 7b
I’ve continued bulking up my seed stash and got some fabric on sale this week. Unfortunately we don’t have very much storage space around here so I can’t bulk up on stuff like I’d like.
I also have two recommendations
I don’t think I’ve seen anyone mention soap or laundry detergent and if you are stocking up on cloth make sure you have supply of thread too.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
Great ideas! I need back ups on laundry soap, dishwasher soap, hand soaps and COFFEE. Oh, Clorox too.

Ive got beef bones in the freezer that I need to make broth and can it. Also have a couple bags of chicken feet, they make a very good broth, just a pain to scald and peel. Then the dogs get everything but the long leg bone. Plus have 80 something Cornish Cross chickens I’m raising, 40 are presold. I’ll have lots of bones for broth and more feet! LOL.

Got 3 pigs, they go to slaughter in August. One and a half are sold, half goes to our daughter and family, one is ours. I always keep the fat and render it for lard and can it.


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
i look at it this way, prices have been pretty stable in most things we buy for a long time. while i don't like how the system is rigged against saving and has some target for inflation built in if you think about what has happened over the past 40yrs that you can still get gasoline for less than $3 a gallon is pretty good. same with a lot of other things if you exclude medical services and things in the most demand.

so when a lot of changes come about, yes, i'd expect some price increases until we get back to a more stable time again. i'm also pretty sure that some prices will go back somewhat to where they were before. like we can still get beef, pork and chicken for less than $2/lb when it is on sale. gallons of milk still come in below $2 at some places. etc.

i guess my point is, that this isn't the end of the world and i'm not going to panic buy and scurry around just because of some rumors going around on youtube.


Garden Master
Sep 16, 2010
Reaction score
Eastern Wa. Zone 5/6 ?
We have been building up a seed bank , and stocking up on some other essentials.
We have cleaned out our freezers in the garage and are starting to stock up on beef and chicken. We still have plenty of pork from the hog we purchased, so concentrating on mostly beef , and some chicken also. I always say this but we keep a good stock of beans and rice because they are easy to store long term and are a good foundation for making meals. I do not even like rice that much but you can do so many things with it to stretch your meals out. One thing DW did not long ago was take a single can of cream of chicken soup and added it to enough rice to feed 5/6 people and it was actually pretty good considering I am not a big fan of rice (I would eat it every time she made it in fact. Let me say there was more to it than the chicken soup , not sure what all she seasoned it up with but there were also some peas in it. After Y2K we were sitting on an enormous stockpile of beans and rice ,like 35 gallons of each lol. We ended up giving most of it away in the year or two after the non event. We do always try to stay stocked up on things we use often that is just a good idea especially if you live rural like we do.
What would be your top 5 vegetable seeds for your emergency seed bank ours are beans, peas, winter squash, tomatoes ,and seed potatoes. I realize that potatoes are not actually seeds but you could store them from season to season. I often think more root crop seeds would be a good idea and am going to them to the seed bank, but these are the top five I think.

Artichoke Lover

Deeply Rooted
Dec 31, 2020
Reaction score
North Alabama zone 7b
We have been building up a seed bank , and stocking up on some other essentials.
We have cleaned out our freezers in the garage and are starting to stock up on beef and chicken. We still have plenty of pork from the hog we purchased, so concentrating on mostly beef , and some chicken also. I always say this but we keep a good stock of beans and rice because they are easy to store long term and are a good foundation for making meals. I do not even like rice that much but you can do so many things with it to stretch your meals out. One thing DW did not long ago was take a single can of cream of chicken soup and added it to enough rice to feed 5/6 people and it was actually pretty good considering I am not a big fan of rice (I would eat it every time she made it in fact. Let me say there was more to it than the chicken soup , not sure what all she seasoned it up with but there were also some peas in it. After Y2K we were sitting on an enormous stockpile of beans and rice ,like 35 gallons of each lol. We ended up giving most of it away in the year or two after the non event. We do always try to stay stocked up on things we use often that is just a good idea especially if you live rural like we do.
What would be your top 5 vegetable seeds for your emergency seed bank ours are beans, peas, winter squash, tomatoes ,and seed potatoes. I realize that potatoes are not actually seeds but you could store them from season to season. I often think more root crop seeds would be a good idea and am going to them to the seed bank, but these are the top five I think.
For us I’d say they are corn, not sweet corn but popcorn or dent corn. Cowpeas/southern peas. Squash in general, beans, and sweet potatoes.


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
What would be your top 5 vegetable seeds for your emergency seed bank ours are beans, peas, winter squash, tomatoes ,and seed potatoes. I realize that potatoes are not actually seeds but you could store them from season to season. I often think more root crop seeds would be a good idea and am going to them to the seed bank, but these are the top five I think.

in terms of nutritional bang for the buck i'd put sweet potatoes at the top. the leaves are edible too and then potatoes, squash, beans and peas. but i'd not be limited to those, there are other veggies that are good sources of nutrition too and i wouldn't want to be without them either... :)

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