After tring 6 times to send a tx last night I broke down. I left it to fate I decided if Verizon was open today I would up grade. I now have a new iphone
yes Iphone 7 for some reason my old phone was not getting service at home or work. I really had no choice. Remember when holiday meant every place closed.
Suggestion as they don't receive signals as well as flips, Apple has a setting that allows phone to use wifi signal. Get it switched on. Had a signal amplifier at home but Provider keeps messing with it on their end.
My MIL has been hesitant to get a smartphone, worries that she might not be able to figure it out. I think they are easier, being touch screen. It comes second nature to most three year olds. I find I check TEG more now that I carry you guys around with me all day, lol. There are days I am not home long enough to sit down to the computer. I also check the weather forecast obsessively now too. And I snap pictures of notes and documents and throw the paper away. When I'm out of town, I ask my phone for restaurant recommendations. Or where the nearest gas station is. My phone beeps and tells me when there's a severe weather warning. And I can't function without my phone's calendar. You will love your new phone!
That's the thing. Use it for what you are comfortable with. If just to use as a phone, ok. But over time it becomes so much more. So many good, productive apps for free out there.