I have an app on my I-phone that counts steps. It was already loaded on the phone when I got it. It has a heart on it and says health underneath it. @Nyboy, do you have one?
This Easy Pedometer app was free and I've already logged 14min and 1k steps just walking around the garden center looking for chard seeds and carrying DW's groceries in the house!
Cheaper than trying to swap that fitbit for a sweeper attachment for the weedwacker, too. (DSIL having that to move snow would probably mean I'd never get it back when they borrow it. )
Steve fitbit does a lot more then count steps. it gives you your heart rate, changes steps into calories burned, counts stairs, monitors your sleep, tells you how many times you woke during sleep. Gives you weekly report on it all
I was never happy wearing a wrist watch but I do have a wrist watch that measures pulse. Input that with my weight and it is supposed to convert that into calories burned, somehow.
I never used it for that but since at even my summer 185#, I am considered overweight, maybe I should count calories.
I had a hard time wearing it to bed. But when I got my week sleep report was worth it. Ebay has some real cheap, I wanted to go with fitbit because they have great customer service. Mine goes though a lot of abuse at work they replaced mine twice.
Best deal for us (verizon, also) was an LG Android. Texting is wonderful for my business AND personal. It's like super fast email, non intrusive and I now use it a LOT, but of course, never when driving, but I can use it as a passenger.
Watch out for "roaming", an old cell phone phrase when in the 1990's we would use our cell phones out of state and the charges were huge. If you do not use your phone where you have I'Net (home/business) or Wifi (most restaurants/businesses have that now) you will be charged more. We have had smartphones since November and not gotten huge bills with 4G/phone plan/month. You can set a warning for yourself when/if you go over, but the people that do are usually living on their phones and downloading big videos, so not to worry.
Get yourself a millenial to help you to customize. We all have special ringtones for friends/family and you can put a photo for each of them, too.
WARNING: These phones are made of glass!! You will NEED some kind of cushioning case and the girl at Verizon told me that the ottercase is NOT 100% foolproof. If you treat the phone like crystal, don't leave it where it can get knocked to the floor and crack, you won't have any problem with it. DH's associate has teenagers who have cracked the glass front on their IPhones--yeah, I KNOW!!!! WHY buy an IPhone for your kid--but there is a local business that can replace the front of your phone for a fee, too.
The apps are great, but the more you have on your phone the longer it takes to load up. Also buy an additional (memory) SD card.
The most important advice we got from Verizon when we purchased them, and you DO NOW BUY the phone, not the plan, is to monitor charging. You know with a flip phone you could leave it hooked up to the charger for overnight or longer, no harm. You will damage the lithium battery in a smartphone if you do that, so plan your charging. I have purchased several extra charging cords on clearance at staples.com for $1.41/each. The phone likes to warn you to not use them bc it takes longer to charge--hardly a hardship-- but Mine is on my jewelry armoire in the corner by my bed and I charge next to my alarm clock where nobody will knock it off, plus I remember to check it there, which is the key.
I am NOT a fan of using my phone as a camera, but I DO take ID photos with it at closings to download to my computer and print copies. HATE,HATE, HATE that stupid commercial, "drop the Mike (phone)"! Sure,I just paid for this gizmo and now I'm gonna drop it to the floor and break it!!
I think you will like your upgrade!
My phone went dead. What. Did it do that because it was counting my steps?
The app says over 4300 in 57 minutes. I don't know what kinda charge it had when I left for the garden but I did very little sitting over about 5 hours!
I will be out spraying earwigs nearer dark. If that thing eats too much of the battery, I'd better leave it off!
Watch having windows open. Push "Clear ALL" to close them. They eat your battery's charge, but people forget and leave them open. Good idea to POWER OFF, though.