Garden Master
There was a poster on another forum who was a long-time advocate of winter sowing for a wide variety of seeds. She had a lot of followers who swore by those methods... but I never intentionally tried that with vegetable seed. That person stopped posting, but she also has a winter sowing website (I'm not sure how current it is):@Zeedman , this is probably a good place to ask.
I was recently looking through a thread on another forum. The sub-forum was on winter sowing. I know next to nothing about this subject. It has to do with starting seed in the winter, with minimum protection under a cloche or something like it. Many weeks may be needed before the seed germinates. (It's kinda the opposite of using a heat mat.)
Those gardeners doing winter sowing seem to be enthusiastic about suitable varieties or, maybe, just encouraging others with seed exchanges. @Zeedman is this method of starting seed something that you are experienced with?
The only times I've tried winter sowing was with seed which requires cold stratification (such as Martynia, Siberian Pea Shrub, and Honey Locust). I unintentionally winter-sow ground cherry, tomatillo, Zebrina mallow, and Martynia by just allowing some of the many volunteers to grow where they are out of the way.