

Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
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It sounds like fluids would help him more than anything. That is something that a locum could easily do. I used to give sub-cutaneous fluids to my elderly cats whose kidneys were no longer working very well, and it helped them a great deal. Maybe you could take him for fluid treatment once or twice a week.
It's a huge journey for me, I have no transport and spine and neck problems. If it came to that I'd have to use a vet in my town that has had a damming reviews as far as cats go. I read a very disturbing review on how a cat and its owner was treated, it left me cold
Taxis would be over £40


Garden Addicted
Jun 9, 2018
Reaction score
Vermont, USA (zone 4)
It's a huge journey for me, I have no transport and spine and neck problems. If it came to that I'd have to use a vet in my town that has had a damming reviews as far as cats go. I read a very disturbing review on how a cat and its owner was treated, it left me cold
Taxis would be over £40
Yes I can relate. I'm also a long distance from veterinary and other necessities, about a half hour away, but I do have a car and can drive (even if no longer on super highways). Otherwise a taxi here would be equally exorbitant. Your cat looks like a gentle little soul and I hope the best for him. :-(


Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
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The news today was horrific. He has stage 4 cancer his red and white cells are insane, it's highly likely that that the lump in his intestine is also cancer so the only solution is to let him go.

I cannot believe the kindness of my once worst enemy, he is going too dig him a grave because we cannot stand not to lose him completely.
This man was full of grief when my dog died and supported me amazingly.

Plus an old school and long time friend is going to take us to the vets on Tuesday next week. I am keeping him as comfortable as possible and managing his pain relief. My biggest problem is I can't get him to release his bowle

My dogs ashes hasn't been returned, from October 21st but there are good reasons on that, the emergency vets that was called into my home. As they live a distance away and cannot bring them until they come back into this area.

Thanks so much for your support.


Garden Addicted
Jun 9, 2018
Reaction score
Vermont, USA (zone 4)
The news today was horrific. He has stage 4 cancer his red and white cells are insane, it's highly likely that that the lump in his intestine is also cancer so the only solution is to let him go.

I cannot believe the kindness of my once worst enemy, he is going too dig him a grave because we cannot stand not to lose him completely.
This man was full of grief when my dog died and supported me amazingly.

Plus an old school and long time friend is going to take us to the vets on Tuesday next week. I am keeping him as comfortable as possible and managing his pain relief. My biggest problem is I can't get him to release his bowle

My dogs ashes hasn't been returned, from October 21st but there are good reasons on that, the emergency vets that was called into my home. As they live a distance away and cannot bring them until they come back into this area.

Thanks so much for your support.
I'm so sorry to read this. At least this explains his symptoms and you won't have to put him and yourself through more stressful vet visits except for the final one on Tuesday. This is very sad.


Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
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He's having a little time on his new play stand. I had ordered it before I had these results but at least he has this for the next few days.

I was hoping I could get the subcutaneous fluids via my vets. But today they were under huge pressure and dealing with an operation.

He's finally managed too pass 💩 this morning, so it made me a little more hopeful on prolonging his life with a great natural pain killer I have here. But he's not interested in food. I really need the renal moose, sadly it's doubtful if our supermarket will sell it


Deeply Rooted
Jul 22, 2024
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Since IV fluids is not available from your vet there are some available online for cats. But it’s tricky to insert iv line.
I have syringes made to feed fluids by mouth. If you start using a syringe offer small amounts of water 5-10 mil at a time depending on the cats tolerance. You can provide water several times thruout the day. It’s to help with dehydration which can be serious if not treated.
Wrap kitty in a towel to keep still will help with fluid intake. If the cat has kidney disease it may not help.

I lost my 27 year old beautiful horse last year to kidney disease and he was on iv fluids for 2 weeks huge bag of fluids. Kept him hydrated and comfortable mixed with pain meds. He had cancer which led to organ shut down.
It’s tough to lose a beloved animal. 27 years is a long time to have such an amazing bond with an animal. It broke my heart. He was cremated and buried in a special place in the garden where I planted an apple tree. Like many animals lost over the years, each one has a special place and a newly planted tree thruout the garden.


Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
Reaction score
Since IV fluids is not available from your vet there are some available online for cats. But it’s tricky to insert iv line.
I have syringes made to feed fluids by mouth. If you start using a syringe offer small amounts of water 5-10 mil at a time depending on the cats tolerance. You can provide water several times thruout the day. It’s to help with dehydration which can be serious if not treated.
Wrap kitty in a towel to keep still will help with fluid intake. If the cat has kidney disease it may not help.

I lost my 27 year old beautiful horse last year to kidney disease and he was on iv fluids for 2 weeks huge bag of fluids. Kept him hydrated and comfortable mixed with pain meds. He had cancer which led to organ shut down.
I'm so sorry about your horse. I only ever bonded with one, she was a magnificent lady and very intelligent. I've never forgotten her. She was much younger than yours.
He had a great life with you, he'd have known he was loved 😍 :hugs
It’s tough to lose a beloved animal. 27 years is a long time to have such an amazing bond with an animal. It broke my heart. He was cremated and buried in a special place in the garden where I planted an apple tree. Like many animals lost over the years, each one has a special place and a newly planted tree thruout the garden.
Planting anything as a rememberence is such a beautiful way for their grave.

My friend had a cavalier dog that lived to almost 18, he planted a bush for him.

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