so lucky
Garden Master
@Rammy, what kind of potting soil are you using? You seem to be having worse luck than if you were trying to kill them! What kind of containers are you growing them in? Are there holes in the bottom of the containers so water can drain out?Mine died. Looks like my tomatoes and peppers are too.I swear Im not over watering. Guess I dont have a green thumb.
How do they look as they die? Turning dark at soil level and keeling over?(damp-off) Or turning pale and withering away?(drying up) Is there any white fungus looking stuff on the top of the soil? How large do the plants get before they die? First set of true leaves or just the two little first leaves (cotyledons)? Do the plants get tall and spindly then fall over? Do you have air circulating around them? Are you fertilizing them too soon? If you can describe their death, maybe we can help you.