Sentry, Baymule’s Livestock Guard Dog


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
Yeah, they are intact. It does make a difference. Sentry needs the hormones for his bone structure. Buford is registered and my next puppy will be a registered female. I might, maybe, have a litter someday.
Anatolians are famous for males not getting along. The time has come to separate them.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
Sentry absolutely refused his capsules of antibiotics and a pain killer last night. I forced his jaws open, dropped capsule waaay down his throat, held mouth closed and he spit it out. So I wrapped bread around each one, wiped bacon grease on it and he swallowed all his medicine, one at a time.

Been brainstorming on BYH on the cause of his injury. Not a single mark on Buford. I gave him a Quick Look yesterday morning but a thorough check yesterday evening. No way that he could come out of a dog fight with Sentry and not have a single mark on him.
Mini Horses suggested maybe a sharp “something” maybe wire, tin or something that could give a cut like that. Bingo! I have cow panel pens and half panels for gates. The ends poke out and are sharp. Freak accident. Pretty sure this is what happened.


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
Sorry that they aren't getting along. :hit
When I had Rose (Husky/GSxBC, 2007-2015, RIP), and Pyg (Lab/PitvullxGS, 2007-2023, RIP), they were same age, 6 months apart and almost the same height/weight. Rose was Alpha.
When I would butcher chickens i would divide extras in two, and throw even pieces to both dogs, and they especially loved the chicken heads. At that time they were very close. When I let them both out for last call at the end of the day, they would take off running around the 4 care garage, do their business and come back in.
They Were fast friends.
One time Pyg was a little slow on the uptake and Rose bit her in the face :eek: and stole her treat.
Rose left puncture wounds in Pyg's face, which fortunately, completely healed.
Their relationship was NEVER the same.
When Rose developed a disease that atrophied her jaws, and I had to have her euthanized, my Vet wanted Pyg to see her and know what had happened (which was in the kitchen.)
Pyg couldn't care Less, and she wanted to know what else was on the agenda that day.
When Pyg was euthanized, Eva was upset, but she was Most upset when we retired Pyg's collar, and it took some time for her to get over it. Eva was very attached to Pyg and was Beta.
I am waiting to hear form the breeder about his 2yo female GS, and a new litter, which will be related to Eva.
I expect and will encourage Eva to be Alpha and teach "Sasha" the ropes.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
Sentry is living it up in the house, except that he has to be in the crate. Carson wants his front yard back and his house back. LOL Buford is on duty at night by himself. He doesn’t understand why Sentry is in the house. Sheba is on night duty across the driveway with expecting ewes, but I take her to Buford’s field during the day.
This will go on for about a week to let Sentry heal up, then I’ll put him in a small pen with the 6 month old ewe lambs for awhile. He won’t be able to run and rough house, but will be company for Buford.

I’ll start transitioning Buford to the front field with Sheba, to watch over the pregnant ewes.