May 9, 2018 Thread starter #61 valley ranch Garden Master Joined Dec 22, 2014 Messages 5,742 Reaction score 5,734 Points 367 Location Sierra Nevada mountains, and Nevada high desert This is what they call Poson Sumac ~ look at the difference in the berries ~ ~ you can see the difference ``` This is Staghorn Sumac ~the plant that is to the taste ... One type has hairy stems ~ one is smooth ~ both are friendly ``` Last edited: May 9, 2018
This is what they call Poson Sumac ~ look at the difference in the berries ~ ~ you can see the difference ``` This is Staghorn Sumac ~the plant that is to the taste ... One type has hairy stems ~ one is smooth ~ both are friendly ```
May 9, 2018 #62 flowerbug Garden Master Joined Oct 15, 2017 Messages 17,535 Reaction score 28,323 Points 427 Location mid-Michigan, USoA yeah, that first kind is what we've had and fought off. it was pretty well shaded most of the time so it didn't seem to ever get to berry stage. that was probably a good thing...
yeah, that first kind is what we've had and fought off. it was pretty well shaded most of the time so it didn't seem to ever get to berry stage. that was probably a good thing...
May 10, 2018 #63 Nyboy Garden Master Joined Oct 2, 2010 Messages 21,365 Reaction score 16,249 Points 437 Location White Plains NY,weekends Lagrange NY. People wanting sumac and rocks
May 12, 2018 #64 flowerbug Garden Master Joined Oct 15, 2017 Messages 17,535 Reaction score 28,323 Points 427 Location mid-Michigan, USoA well behaved rocks... there's a difference...