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Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
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Arla Suspends Dairy Supplier For Brutal Attacks on Cows and Calves.

Following an investigation made by the charity Animal Justice Project. The Arla cooperation has cut ties with, Lowfields Farm, Northallerton in Yorkshire.

All the workers including their manager, had been filmed torturing the cows and calves under their care

The farm housed 2,000 cows in sqaulered conditions, that was meant too contain a maximum of a thousand cattle.

Animal justice project had filmed footage of the cows and calves, sometimes within minutes birth, being slapped cruelly beaten, kicked punched, and beaten with pipes and electrical goads.

Claire Palmer, the director of the animal justice said, this investigation exposed "shocking cruelty" and brutality inflicted upon these cows and calves. Exposing the "brutal hidden reality these cows face daily".

There are videos on this disgusting abuse but I cannot add it here and I really couldn't watch it.
I've heard enough to get what these barbarians have done.

What is even more sickening. I haven't heard of any charges brought against them. So god only knows what else this bunch of filthy low lives will get away with.
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