lucky ducks... looks like the forecast is for the snow to go north of us, maybe some rain Monday. rain is ok. but would like snow binkie instead. ours gonna meltoway.
Ours piddled out to not much. We went into town this afternoon to spend a Christmas gift certificate at a restaurant and it looked like they got nothing. At least ours is still hanging around.
I'm hoping for more, I have hardly got to use my kicksled at all yet. Dh is fine with no snow, the big party pooper!
Looks like those years include a few months of records, @flowerbug . You know that when you have logged a few records that it indicates a person of historical dimensions .
Houghton, Michigan is almost the same latitude as here. @aftermidnight would be our only regular more light deprived at this time of year. A Texas location, at least, allows more sunlight to melt the snow ... Houghton is further from Detroit than Detroit, a city in the same state, is from the nation's capital ..! Big state ... A fact that a distant perspective might miss.
I first came to live this far north in 1968. Some of that winter's records for cold and snowfall still stand - I just checked the WS almanac . Of course, I didn't know any better, then. A Trial by Ice & Snow ~ It was a good way to appreciate some of the milder winters that followed it.
@digitS' it is a world apart, interesting historical tidbit is that Calumet MI almost became the capital of MI. much history in that area from the copper mining days.
i've walked all of the streams north of the canal, gave many pints of blood to the blackflies/mosquitoes. good times.
That was my intent last winter, but sadly have not harness trained her. Yet. She heels well on leash and is confused when asked to pull against pressure. It's just a matter of taking the time to teach her.
She does love the snow and would probably like having a job.