Garden Master
I saw that, too. The signal has to work with some electricity! I was wondering if just the physical movement of the switch would create sufficient electricity to power the signal ...... the owner lived in a condo and shared the ceiling with a neighbor above, running wiring was really difficult. The answer was installing an additional hard wired electrode that sends a signal to a switch on the wall and the switch doesn't even need batteries to send the on circuit and off circuit signal
I think You are Right, Ducks'. These innovations are making everything more energy efficient and moving us towards alternatives to the gross power generation models used for over a century. I can so easily remember the complaints about fluorescent. I don't mean the compact spirals. I mean the tubes that went in the new supermarkets and on signs. They all need improvements, yes. And, the patents locking in high prices do lock out low income people.
frug ... fugue ... oh, squeak!