Garden Master
Today's PSA:
Before picking up that dust bunny, make sure it doesn't have legs.I suddenly have a plague of multi-legged "dust bunnies", which play dead when first seen... then suddenly, run like hideous mutant bunnies. I suspect they are getting fat on all of the box elder bugs which found their way inside during the warm spell.
often when i clean i will spot clean other things i've noticed that are waiting. today i was spot cleaning something and looked over and saw a bigger mess, but i knew i wasn't wanting to get into that today so i'll put it on my list for tomorrow or Thursday. it looks like a spider behind and under a small glass table/wedge we have has taken to collecting bugs and they're all laying there in a pile. i also see white things which may be egg cases or youngsters. nope, not going to touch that today, but it sure does look interesting. will have to take pics. not seen anything like that before (and i tend to like spiders and leave them alone most of the time when i see them).