I think I saw one of the pics before. Does it come back from seed or the plant? Do you know the name or variety of it? If you don't your penance is to mail be a couple of plants in an envelope.
i recommend going to a greenhouse and getting them when they are blooming so you know exactly the color of the flowers you are getting. there are a number of varieties so you want to get the ones that have the bright purples you enjoy - there are some with a lighter paler purple and i'm pretty sure you don't want those and then i've also seen some with red. we have three or four different thymes here and only the creeping one is what i like the best. the others are taller and not as full when they flower plus they die back in spots. the creeping thyme just keeps on going...
it will grow from seeds but i think it is much easier to just go buy a few large plants and then cut them into quarters and put those plugs where you want to fill in an area.
do you have full sun? i'm not sure how well it does if the garden is shaded. six hours of sun a day is probably good enough.
sending small starts through the mail isn't really viable IMO as you do want a nice amount of plant to protect itself - i've never even gone looking for the seeds to know what they look like. very tiny is my guess.
as long as you don't plant it on a narrow ridge (with nothing to protect it on each side) it will probably be ok.
@flowerbug…I see how you acheived that full landscape bloom. You have established a beautiful landscape design. It certainly is a head turner. Very pretty .
I planted a section of Irish moss which also flowers under a dwarf maple tree and another small spot with thyme several years ago. They are evergreen , both have blue flowers.
These are one of those nursery hybrid plants called ‘Stepables’. They are also on the internet offer several different colors and varieties. They are tough plants withstands snow and ice and never deflates from walking on like stepping on a sponge.
there are a few spots of Irish Moss in the thyme, i've tried to keep it apart but it likes to mingle and does better with the companion on that clay. it came in with the thyme in the pots from the greenhouse and i weeded it out at first not knowing what it was, and then i moved some of it and tried to isolate it better to be able to see how it did. it did ok for two seasons but the third one it did not do well at all but the remaining small patches survived so now we'll see how benign neglect turns out...
getting there. one part of the garden outside the fence is all ready for winter so that leaves me with the part closer to the house, then planting garlic and turning under and/or weeding the strawberry patch and then the north garden needs more done and some other projects too, but the list is getting shorter for a change. that's kinda spooky in itself, just in time for Halloween. Boo!
finished getting last bean garden ready for w*nt#r. came in from that and fell asleep right away. so yet again awake at night for when i should be sleeping - time to get back to sawing logs...
it doesn't bloom immediately in the spring, it blooms a bit later for me, about Jun 10-20 or so. Not sure what it will do there in your climate. perhaps it will bloom twice since you may not get hard frosts? i really don't know...
finished shelling another bag of beans... 3lbs of dry beans. not as many as i thought but still a welcome bonus as it came from a garden outside the fence. only ten more to go, but before i can get back to them i really need to get the garlic bulbs taken apart and some cloves set aside for planting so they can get put in a garden. i know where i want to put them and the space is even ready for them for a change.