Ten Days on My Own

so lucky

Garden Master
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
SE Missouri, Zone 6
Nyboy, I don't think they have spas where I live, haha.
I just saw a piece on CBS about a dog that is trained to sniff out C-diff in hospital settings. The dog looked a lot like Penny, in her hunting mode. Even the same coloring as Penny, but longer hair and legs. I think she could be trained to search pretty easily. She goes ballistic when she gets on the trail of a rabbit or other varmint. Nose to the ground and tail high and wagging like crazy.
I need to get some more training to teach her how to know when it is OK to sniff and when she needs to heel. DH has ruined the training I gave her early on, by allowing her a long leash and letting her decide where to go. I am thankful that he has taken over her exercise, but it does cause some problems. Like when I need her to be on a short leash and to pay attention to me.
Oh well. I need to go walk her now before it gets too hot to be outside. I'm such a weather wimp.:rolleyes: