Deeply Rooted
We might end up moving Sept. 1st. We're contemplating seeing if we can rent for a few more years or just buying the house, things are starting to look better. I'm fairly positive that I could get at least some dry seed back to you as long as I don't get the seed in late. I'll just hand the first dry seeds that I get over to you and take the later ones for myself.SeedObesser,
I thought you were going to move this summer? If you think you can still grow some dry seed some of the bush varieties that I have left would be your best bet. However your first dry pods will just be at about the 90 to 100 day mark. Then to get most of the rest your seed crop you will need about another 30 days.
Can I choose anything that's available on your website, or do you have a list for this year's bean network?