The Any Wonderful Food You Made From Your Garden Today Thread!


Garden Ornament
Jul 14, 2008
Reaction score
WI-zone 4
The side dishes came from the garden tonight--steamed asparagus and potato-sunchoke-green onion hashbrown pancakes. Yum! Wish I had gotten around to making a rhubarb dessert, but I didn't, so we had Reese's peanut butter cup S'mores instead :)


Garden Ornament
Dec 29, 2007
Reaction score
northern california
I made chicken stoup. It's time to clear out last years produce. So I found some frozen zucchini, to put in with the chicken breast, also added some frozen wild turkey broth. Cut up 1/2 cup of dried peppers, two bulbs of garlic and a big bunch of fresh parsley. I had to add store bought onion, celery and carrots. Came out great.
I canned 14 jars of jam this afternoon using frozen blackberries, peaches and grapes from last summer.


Deeply Rooted
Mar 21, 2009
Reaction score
On the beautiful Salish Sea
I read carefully through the posts this time ..but I am not working and have a cup of coffee and it is peaceful in this house :)

I have both (well the running bamboo is really my neighbors but it runs as part of our mutual fence line so I feel lucky to have a beautiful bamboo patch that he keeps groomed and I can harvest when I want to ..the other is clumping and I prune it up so the canes grown thick and hard like fishing poles

I had some black but killed it :( I am going to get someone to give me another clump is like $90 here!!! no way will I pay for bamboo eventually someone is always willing to give you some if you dig it yourself!!!!

I have some very pretty mini green and white bamboo as well

bamboo is awesome ..I have had NO problem controling it ..buttercups and morning glory are Far worse in my book!!! makes a wonderful sound when a breeze goes through it, it is very pretty ...makes a fantastic and sound muffling fence is wonderful for birds to nest in .. I have an Anna's hummingbird that winters over in makes great yard things if you prune the canes and figure out what you are doing (not me yet but if anyone wants to teach me how to do this I would be grateful) ...and now I know ..yes really you can eat it and enjoy it! ..I am so excited!

now is a good time to get some if you know anyone that has it because the new shoots transplant easily (my experience only I have not "researched")

you can have some of mine but you have to dig it yourself and take some weeds!!! it is a rule!!!

anyway I am seeing the advantage of this bamboo patch for food
hearts of palm are expensive and always taste like the can they come in! but are great in salads are these!!!

ok that ends my commercial for bamboo

Chicken soup with wild turkey stock in it that sounded fantastic! FarmerDenise right? I kept notes this time

Me&Gals you grow sunchokes? I wish I could they rot here :(

Tonight is Pepperpot soup! my greens are still gowing strong even with the heat wave we had!

Tomorrow is my husbands bday...I want to grill the rib eyes from the pretentious steer I bought and see how good this organic hormone grass fed .. had to buy a freezer for ...three week aged beef actually is!!!

very small gathering with a fire pit ..and I found a menu from Sunset magazine current issue that I can do everything on the grill ... steak with chimichuri and a jicama salad (I wish I could grow jicama! just once for fun) I am going to use the bamboo shoots I prepared instead of jicama...some kind of spicey pesto pasta with these cute artichoke pasta I was given as a gift ...and a strawberry camp cake that is kind of an upside down short cake recipe (I am adding rhubarb) I have so much mint I making mojitos :) gotta get some white rum!


Garden Ornament
Jul 5, 2008
Reaction score
Glenwood, Missouri zone 5
Well we had the Swiss Chard with the hot Bacon Dressing like you have on wilted lettuce and it was great :p :thumbsup Dh and I both love it that way also. Noah didn't care for , he did try it. But says he likes the regular wilted lettuce. So tonight with Grilled chicken we had chard and he had lettuce. everyone was happy and very full :clap Now to find another way to fix chard. :woot

Maybe scalloped ??? hummmm

:happy_flower Karan :D


Garden Ornament
Jul 14, 2008
Reaction score
WI-zone 4
How about Swiss chard quiche/pie? I have posted the recipe about a bazillion times but can't remember if I did on this thread or not :) Try searching for it, because it is a GREAT way to use up a lot of chard, stems and all, green onions, green garlic or whatever other green things you have growing right now!


Garden Addicted
Aug 10, 2008
Reaction score
Fuquay, NC
We just ate the last of our sugar snap peas with some mushrooms and spinach in a stir fry!

I have decided next year I am going to plant 3x as much... I LOVE sugar snap peas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Garden Ornament
Jul 5, 2008
Reaction score
Glenwood, Missouri zone 5
me&thegals said:
How about Swiss chard quiche/pie? I have posted the recipe about a bazillion times but can't remember if I did on this thread or not :) Try searching for it, because it is a GREAT way to use up a lot of chard, stems and all, green onions, green garlic or whatever other green things you have growing right now!
That is a good idea :clap Dh & I haven't had a quiche in a while and it's not like I don't have eggs :gig We will have one this weekend :clap :frow Thanks for the suggestion me&thegals :throw

:happy_flower Karan :D


Chillin' In The Garden
Feb 25, 2009
Reaction score
South Central PA; Zone 6
A mix of red and green leaf lettuces from the garden, a sprinkling of chopped cashews, craisins and gorgonzola and olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Man was it a good salad!


Garden Ornament
Jul 5, 2008
Reaction score
Glenwood, Missouri zone 5
me&thegals I found your recipe :

The baby leaves are wonderful in salad. Bigger leaves are good steamed and served with a little butter and salt. But, my favorite way is quiche:

Swiss Chard Pie
1 onion, chopped
2-3 garlic cloves, minced
1 tablespoon oil
1 bunch Swiss chard
6 eggs
1 cup milk
1 cup shredded cheese
1 teaspoon salt
1 piecrust (see below for no-roll crust recipe)

Heat oven to 400 degrees. Brown onion and garlic in oil. Trim and chop chard (can include greens and stems), add to pan and cook down until wilted. Beat eggs and milk in bowl. Mix in salt and chard mixture. Pour into piecrust. Sprinkle cheese on top, pushing slightly into chard mixture. Bake until knife inserted into center comes out clean, about 30-40 min.

1 piece (including 1/8 of crust below): 367 calories,
13 grams protein, 5 grams fiber
Vitamin A 170% Vitamin C 42%
Calcium 24% Iron 23%

Whole-wheat, no-roll piecrust
1 cups flour (whole-wheat pastry flour best, whole-wheat flour okay)
1 tsp sugar
tsp salt
cup oil (I prefer mixture of canola and olive for health benefits)
3 tbsp milk

Place all ingredients in pie pan. Mix with fork until well blended and pat into the pan. Push pastry up the sides and form a nice edge with thumb and finger. Prick to avoid bubbling during baking.
It was in another thread How to eat chard by sheps4her

Thanks it looks yummy :p

:happy_flower Karan :D


Deeply Rooted
Mar 21, 2009
Reaction score
On the beautiful Salish Sea
I have been gone celebrating the birth of this crazy old man who married me 30 years ago!!!

and I am going to take the rest of the week off and make him wonderful meals because we are too broke to do anything else!

Ok I am going plant hunting at my favorite thrift stores (yes be jealous I know thrift stores where they sell really nice plants people bring in very cheap!!!)


all this talk about chard ..I dont have any growing :( omg I can not believe it!!!

well I can plant it here now and it will do fine it does grow all winter here so that is good!

I am going to make the tail end of the greens with lamb shanks tomorrow and then start seriously putting a dent in the snap peas

they are doing fine even with our wierd weather but not quite as sweet as usual ..I planted some golden snow peas ..beautiful flowers the snow peas are pretty and have no sugar in them at all ...maybe the weather I should give them another chance ..the flowers are a pretty purple

I am going to use them for lunches with all these bamboo shoots I am harvesting ..

so for dinner tonight ...I am making lau laus (I went to Seattle yesterday and bought them already made there) but we are having a big salad from the garden ..home made miso dressing and rice tonight
for dessert a fruit salad lychees with fresh (MINE I HAVE ENOUGH FOR A BOWL) garden ripe before anything took a bite ..strawberries!!! and some fresh mint
(Lychees are in season now :) I can not grow them here but some people could I bet!)

I love reading through this thread after waiting a day to see where everyone is in the garden ...

I have to get some chard seeds how could I not have any?

I also wanted to try to make a really nice cheese tart and greens this weekend with the greens cooked way down in olive oil and some kind of spectacular cheese

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