Garden Master
taste like sweet chicken!
p.s. that's one very healthy looking froggie!
taste like sweet chicken!i hearts froggies, but those invasive ones can be pests...
p.s. that's one very healthy looking froggie!
there's another big one, want me to send it your way if I catch it? Lol
Gray tree frog tadpoles!
I've been waiting 15+ years for this! They're my favorite frog.
I've been doing water changes on the puddle, put up shade, so they don't boil & tomorrow I'll be carefully removing the dead eggs.
These are wild tadpoles. Left a squished bin lid next to pond & it turned out to be their preferred breeding spot!
First 5 pictures are from today, rest from the 20th.
I added live plants to the puddle today, too.
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