My first tomato sauce using what I'm supposed to use, a paste variety - right? It's a cell phone picture, I shouldn't have done that but I was tormenting my kids . One was inspired to make a pizza for dinner, tonight.
Heinz 2653, an heirloom determinant, rated at 68 days, it's the earliest I found from the outfits I usually order from. The small plants have been loaded with fruit in a really bad tomato year. I think the plants might have been larger without the summer windstorms but I'm okay with how they did. The Heinz 2653 sauce is nice and sweet and flavorful!
Well they ripened up real nice and shiny and red from that Sept 30th post . Those went to market altho I ate a couple.
They are not what I expected. I have either forgotten what Viva Italia paste tasted like or I was disappointed with the flavor of something I thought would be cause for celebration. So, this was a retry with a paste and I was pleased with the taste of them.
I couldn't have asked for better production from small plants. I don't know if they really belong in the 68 day group. If the September 11 morning had been just a few degrees colder, there would not have been a single ripe tomato. Really, I don't think the plants were set out all that late. But, I'm expecting a few August ripe tomatoes if it's something that is needed and not just for fun.
So. This Heinz variety deserves another chance. I think it can come in a little earlier than the end of September.