Deeply Rooted
seedcorn, I give up. First they are right to sue their customer base for IP infringement, then they don't sue after all when it's not good for them, then all the other companies are doing it so it's OK for them to do after all. There is no reason to label GMOs, there is no test for GMOs, GMO-contaminated material gets the same price as non-GMO, then there is labeling (there is in Europe, not in the US), then there IS a test (which is being used to detect IP violations), then non-GMO does receive a premium for being labeled as such. They've not done anything wrong and are a fine upstanding employer, they've not done anything that other companies haven't done, they are terrible but are forced to be terrible by market forces, they are terrible and there isn't anything to be done about it. Everyone's got a right to their own opinion, but I can't even tell what your opinion really is, or even if there are any facts we agree on. Heaven knows there's nothing wrong with changing your mind when you find new information, but crikeys, I can hardly tell what you think from one post to the next.
Like I said a long, long way back--they make crummy business decisions, they pay the piper. I vote with my wallet when it comes to their activities. Going to sign off and enjoy a nice home-grown dinner, and I hope you have a nice evening.
Like I said a long, long way back--they make crummy business decisions, they pay the piper. I vote with my wallet when it comes to their activities. Going to sign off and enjoy a nice home-grown dinner, and I hope you have a nice evening.