Deeply Rooted
This all started a year ago. My brother had been staying with Josh and I after he had won a large case settlement against some aggressive individuals and it was advised he stay away from home for awhile. We are also closer to his doctor that he had to see at the time because of a severe eye injury (hence the large settlement). Well the individuals found out where he was staying and smashed our mailbox. Then they came back two months later and smashed it again (but jokes on them, because we never replaced the original smashed one so they basically beat broken plastic). Then around hunting season they stole my four-wheeler, which turned up again with some parts missing in the woods about 8 miles from their house (thank goodness for insurance!). And now last night, they came and stole some of my dad's tools out of my garage that he was using for renovations on my chicken coop. They took two construction nailers, a 100ft extension cord, my shotgun, and a big bucket of change. My brother hasn't been staying with us for awhile now, and I don't know if this time it was the individuals. Where I live there have been a lot of problems with meth heads stealing change and pawnable items so it was probably a member of that group. I am heart broken, because many of you know Dear Old Dad is a wonderful and generous man that is always there to help me and surprises me with random yard projects. And now some of his most expensive tools were stolen. I could care less about my shotgun or the random change- it just breaks my heart that they did that to my dad. Another scary thing is that I worked late last night and came home when they could have been here. We think they were on foot because we didn't hear a vehicle and there was a lot more they could have taken. Now to call the sheriff once again and hopefully get mine and DOD's things back...