I wore sandals & capris to work again today. Tomorrow I'll have to put on jeans since the temps are supposed to start dropping around 5 am Thursday morning. It's supposed to be 30* by Friday morning. It's 71* now.
On the way home from work, I noticed several wild plum trees in bloom.
BEAUTIFUL HERE! A little overcast, but in the high 60's and climbing into the 70's
I had the windows open all morning but then the sludge trucks hauling biosolids started coming in ... so the scale is shut up TIGHT again. Still - Plenty of warm daylight after work today and tomorrow before the temps start dropping for the weekend.
MORE Ice... enough to make roads that are already snow and ice covered ,then get another Deep Chill Friday! UGH. so another no school day today! Sure I do not like driving on ICE, But this is going to make for a LONG school year.
We set a record yesterday, 80 F and are forecast to set another record today. But then a cold front comes through tonight with rain and highs in the low 50's, lows in the low 40's. So far I've only had two days with a low of 32 F (0 C for some of our friends). It's amazing how much different a few degrees of latitude and proximity to large bodies of water can make.