Chillin' In The Garden
Jumping into the middle of all these pleasant meets and greets, I sure do have some questions. I'm not mature enough for backyard chickens this year
, but I have a lot of questions for myself and for friends. For someone who has the room, what are the best forage plants, and what can supply calories for winter, like sorghum, amaranth, millet, or buckwheat. Some of those could be cut, and dried in a shed, and fed to the flock over the winter, without threshing???pretty easy sounding. Where's the flaw in my reasoning? How easy would it be to get any of these to reseed into enough yearly supply, so you're doing minimum work? One friend of mine brainstorming with me, liked the idea of buckwheat because it matures quickly and smothers weeds, requiring little cultivation, and does reseed. He also thought sorghum sounded easy and promising.
I did read some cool info in Backyard Poultry Mag about drying and freezing greens/weeds for winter.
Another super grand idea I wonder about, is a huge worm compost pile, protected from flock in summer, open for forage (scraps and worms) in winter. (Especially if it were in a greenhouse where it wouldn't freeze too bad in z5?)
I can't wait til I'm big enough to have chickens. Maybe next year when I'm 49.:/
Looking forward to talking and evesdropping.
I did read some cool info in Backyard Poultry Mag about drying and freezing greens/weeds for winter.
Another super grand idea I wonder about, is a huge worm compost pile, protected from flock in summer, open for forage (scraps and worms) in winter. (Especially if it were in a greenhouse where it wouldn't freeze too bad in z5?)
I can't wait til I'm big enough to have chickens. Maybe next year when I'm 49.:/
Looking forward to talking and evesdropping.