Garden Master
Beekissed, I think I was born to the wrong family. I should have been born in yours! lol Everythings sounds so lovely. I LOVE to read all your posts and wished I was there. 

YES !The corn we bought this morning is so perfect I can't stop marveling over it! Picked fresh this morning, picked at the correct time for maximum sweetness but with kernels still small and crisp enough for wonderful texture, ears full clear down to the tip with perfect rows, large ears.
Can't say enough good about the quality of this sweet corn! It costs $36 for 116 ears of corn. That makes 28 qt. of corn, with each qt equal to~and even greater to~ the amount of corn found in 3 standard size cans of corn from the store~, but has 100% better taste and quality. So it works out to the amount of 84 cans of store bought corn for $36.
Not a bad savings at all and we'll be eating incredibly fresh and flavorful corn instead of that bland, over processed stuff from the store.