Branching Out
Deeply Rooted
All of your gai lan posts have me thinking that I need to try growing this vegetable. Can it be sown in August, and if so is there a particular variety of seed that you might suggest??Cucumbers. We are beginning to have a steady supply.
I wanted to enjoy my morning and did not want to hurry out to run the trimmer in the backyard. It has become quite a task with the new veggie beds and leaving lawn grass where I can't reach it with the mower. I showed up out there just before 11AM on what is supposed to be a record high day!
Coming in after an hour ... it was so nice to start my lunch with my favorite Beit Alpha cucumber, sliced by DW and straight out of the fridge ... cooled off with a cucumber. Lunch was store-bought raviolis with 2023 pasta sauce (ingredients from the garden), Gai Lan, Gatorade and then a cup of coffee.
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