Garden Master
I took the plunge and tried turnip tops out of the garden in a tomato salsa for my 'three cheese' (bought) raviolli. Topped with my home made fake Parmesan.
I was surprised at how good it was!!
Salsa was a bought passata, but hopefully next grow season, I will have enough tomatoes to make my own.
My fake Parmesan cheese= a block of bog standard bought cheese cut into thirds, salt rubbed on all sides and sat in a cool cupboard, rubbing and turning each day for a month....aging it.
I wipe off any remaining salt, rub all over again and then a few days later grate using the fine-ist side of the grater.
I leave it in the bowl shaking it around each day, for another couple of weeks to let out any remaining moisture and then pop it in a glass jar. You have to keep it in the dark.
To be honest, it probably takes longer to make this than it costs to buy the real thing, but thats perversity for you.
Maybe next year, I'll get back into cheese making again and make some from scratch. Here's hoping.
sometimes we do things just because that is who we are.
and gardeners are perpetual hope machines.