we had some hail go through a while ago, now raining, could be snow, i'm ok either way, it's still early spring here. weather could go any which way any time...
Mary: I've got (from memory), the orca bean, the Wowza bean, butternut, a few flowers (loves lies bleeding is very very delicate for those that have sprouted), kale, beets, several tomatoes, cucumber, kaboucha, snow peas, bush peas, a couple more beans, broccoli, zinnia, sunflowers, peppers, and I don't remember what else. Probably won't use them all, but its fun.
I took out the dead raspberry and blackberry canes. Where is the sun? I have a greenhouse outside without anything in it. No sun. Maybe here and there an hour. I have to transplant things and no room inside, so I am putting the onions, kale, and things like that outside in the greenhouse and hope for the best. Maybe I am hurrying things, but I should have kale and things getting ready to harden off, but how do you harden off if no sun? I looked at first week of April pictures for 2015 and 2016 and I had onions, cabbage, kale, collards, lettuce ready to plant, but 2017 I did not have pictures so I am not sure what was going on in April.
@ducks4you snowed a few times this week, more cold on the way, it's not over yet. i'm hoping the few warmer days next week's forecast attempt to predict actually turn out. nice early spring days help get a jump on the season. and i sure can use the exercise.
I top dressed my garden with a little snow, a little ice, a little wind, and a little rain. LOL. Good thing is there is a lot of rabbit manure and compost out there since November all getting soaked in.