Garden Master
A tractor of any color in your own yard beats a tractor in a neighbor's yard and having to beg for favors.
... and here I thaught that North Easterners were always complaining about the deer eating their flowers and kale . Not to mention all of the dead deer on the side of the road from hit and run 2AM partying drivers .RedNever go wrong with a deere.
Lazy county and state workers are why on coyotes. Here they are picked up.Road kill deer is why we have the largest size coyotes in country
Think coydogs ( coyote x dog = crossbreds) as well as wolf x coyote x dog = hybrids to account for the sizes now seen. Roadkill are just a ready to eat convenient snack.Road kill deer is why we have the largest size coyotes in country
"As of October 2015, the City of Portland has the highest rental growth rate in the nation," according to their city government."sure a lot of liberals out there"