Garden Master
I hardly know what 4" of rain in 3 days would be like - it has been a very long time since I have lived on the "wetside" of the West.
We have been in a "rainy" time for about a week and it continues. The garden has received additional water several times because there are transplanted broccoli and cabbage out there. Even the tiny onions and leeks would have suffered from the "dry" rainy days if they had not received irrigation water. I am a little exasperated with "less than a tenth of an inch" forecasts.
We have picked up 1/3 of an inch the last 2 days which allows for almost exactly 1" total now that the month is 2/3rds over. Probably another 1" has been added to that by irrigation. It's only adequate because the temperatures are cool and the plants are tiny with roots close to the surface.
The clouds continue to roll by and the forecast looks okay for leaving the irrigation valve closed. I'm concerned that ground may have to be gone over again because days and days are passing since it was cultivated with no transplants or seed going in.
There's @flowerbug busy sifting rock out of his garden soil. It would take days with large construction equipment for me to free the top 6" of gravel in my garden. I'm not even sure what I'd have left. Much passage of tractor and truck tires over this glacial till would turn it into something like a paved parking lot. I've come to sorta imagine plant roots creeping under each bit of gravel as they grow downward. It seems like what they are doing. There is no possibility of straight, downward growth. Ah well, water drains easily
most of that fell yesterday, they even closed the state highway in town, which does not happen often... probably six inches over the last four days. it is still sprinkling out here but hopefully this will be the last of it. the field across the street is at least showing some dirt now.
since i've been living here, the most rainfall for a four day period was 11 inches.
that kind of rocky soil would make a stirrup hoe a challenge.