What Did You Do In The Garden?


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
Do you make beer, @Shades-of-Oregon ? Dad and I used to make beer. "Cascade hops."

The 5 foot wide bed is put to its Winter rest. Double dug, it was loaded with frost-killed tomato plants, cucumber, squash and melon vines, etc.

I continue to be pleased with how the spading has been going. Heavy work but tree roots are no longer a problem. The efforts to remove them in the Spring has paid off.

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Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
finished up one garden and did not get the front or shed doors painted, but the counter tops and some other things did get varnished by Mom so she'll be happy to have that done.

my own digging was also good today, that back SE corner garden has been amended, had garden debris and turned enough times that it is pretty nice garden soil and it was very easy to get the shovel down in there. i didn't have to dig such a big trench but it was a good 25ft long at least so i took my time and probably had it done in 45 minutes. then packed all the bean plants in it and stepped on them a bit to pre-compact them before shoving the dirt back in there. piled it up on top a bit too, knocked it flat so that any rain it catches will not run off too fast and the raked with the cultivator around it to make it all look tidy enough to pass Mom's inspection.

when i get a chance i can use three or six buckets of wood ashes on that garden, but that may be a week or two yet before i get around to that sort of garden task. i like to get the ashes put down on top and then dig them in the top layer of garden soil to keep them from getting blown away - there's often a fair amount of breeze out there. i don't usually water them in (the hoses get put up about this time of the year) but that would help if i could get it done earlier before i put the hoses away.