Garden Master
Nothing. Got 4 1/2" rain last night, still drizzling. (needed the rain)!!!
39, and 68Planted some glads in the flower corner, yesterday.
The cabbages and broccoli went out after 2 neighbors admitted to not having seen a rabbit this year. Yay! (I think that the coyote got them.)
Before those plants went in, I had to till because the tractor guy had left so many weeds on the surface in the new garden extension. Fairly speedy since he did get fairly deep. Layout this year will depend less on what transplants come to hand, when.
I can't think of anything else I can set out. It's 39°f this morning despite being a very pleasant 68° yesterday afternoon. A day of wind & rain, clearing at sundown - still, freeze . . ? I guess killing weeds with the tiller is about the best thing for me.
Seedo, If you would be interested in trying to start some Columbine from seed I still have seed from last years plants. A med. purple and a dark purple. I would be happy to send you some. P.M. me if you would like seed.Went shopping at Meijer's earlier this morning and had to go to the garden section for some clay pots (I'm sure that you all know where this is going). Couldn't resist and brought home a pot of columbine, a pot of oriental poppies, and two yellow pocketbook flowers.