Garden Master
Don't like tobacco, Seedcorn.
I keep waiting for the original poster on this thread to admit that he grows tobacco in amongst his beans. Then, I'm going to be all over him like white on rice!!
No, I won't. My paternal grandmother (who lived into her 90's) chewed tobacco and her grandson, my brother, still does! I've never been able to change his habits. Dad quit smoking . . . before I did
. He was the worst critic of smoking after that . . . ya think I'm bad :/.
And, my understanding is that nicotine insecticide is NOT considered safe and is not listed as "allowed" in organic agriculture.
I keep waiting for the original poster on this thread to admit that he grows tobacco in amongst his beans. Then, I'm going to be all over him like white on rice!!
No, I won't. My paternal grandmother (who lived into her 90's) chewed tobacco and her grandson, my brother, still does! I've never been able to change his habits. Dad quit smoking . . . before I did
And, my understanding is that nicotine insecticide is NOT considered safe and is not listed as "allowed" in organic agriculture.