When to plant garlic

simple life

Garden Ornament
May 15, 2008
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South Weymouth, Massachusetts
me&thegals said:
There's a garlic "bible" and it might even be named that, "The Garlic Bible" or maybe something like "Growing Great Garlic." Actually, let me just give you this link:
www.organicgardening.com/featureprint/1,7759,s1-5-16-231,00.html. If you can't find it for some reason, please post here again and I'd be glad to pass on the details.

Good luck! It really IS easy. I first got my soil more fertile last year by sprinkling in 1 box of dried blood and 1 box of bone meal, working it in the first couple inches of soil. Then, I planted my garlic in 5-foot-wide beds with walking aisles between. It was only my second year trying it, but the 600 bulbs are beauties!
Awesome! But what do you do with all the garlic? I know you sell at a farmer's market but I was wondering how else you use yourself .
I love garlic and make roasted garlic alot at dinner time and use it for cooking, but I was wondering if there is another way to store it besides hanging it to dry.
I ordered some over the summer to be shipped this fall, (so should be arriving any day I guess) and I am wondering exactly how much to plant.
What (roughly) is the ratio of harvest for each bulb planted?
I guess even if I have too much I can always give it away, or sell it at the market with my eggs this spring.
I was inundated with tomatoes this year so trying to plan accordingly for the garlic, although its easier to store than the tomatoes if you get an abundance.
What kind do you grow, do you plant different varieties or all of one kind?


Garden Ornament
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
Whole peeled cloves of garlic will keep quite a long time in a sterile jar in the back of your fridge. You can pickle garlic cloves. I love garlic but no longer have the manual dexterity to deal with the fresh stuff, so I buy jars of already chopped or mince garlic at my grocery store. I would think you could do the same sort of thing with homegrown garlic. I copied the following from a website dedicated to garlic gardeners:

Drying Garlic.
Drying garlic is the least expensive and safest way to preserve garlic and retain as much as possible of its fresh character. It's also easy to do. Simply cut the garlic into 1/8" to 1/4" thin slices, and dry them in your dehydrator at 130 F or so and dry them until they are hard and crisp, even on the inside but still light in color. Do not overcook them until they are brown as it will make them bitter. Or if you do not have a dehydrator, you can place them on a screen or rack so that the bottom side gets ventilation also and dry at warm room temperature (100 to 110 F - we have a SW back room that gets warm like that) out of direct sunlight (cover loosely with cheesecloth to keep airborne dust particles and things off the slices if you are worried about that sort of thing).

Drying garlic is the only way to retain the potential to make allicin - neither freezing nor pickling can do that, and allicin is the beginning of everything that garlic means to us as food, flavoring or pharmaceutical. Allicin is formed when the amino acid, Alliin, mixes with the enzyme, Alliinase, which is stored in separate cells in the garlic clove and mix to form sulfenic acid which breaks down into Allicin when these cellular walls are ruptured. For more details on this please see the Chemistry of Garlic Page of our website for a more complete discussion of this.

The idea is to dehydrate it not cook it.

It takes a few days for it to become completely dry, but once it does it will keep for years if you can keep it dry. I store my dried garlic in a Mason jar with one of those silica gel - Not To Be Eaten - packets that come with vitamin pills and camera equipment and lots of other things as they absorb excess moisture and keep the garlic dry. They will store safely several years this way.

The dried slices should to be kept whole until used in order to better preserve the allicin potential. You can grind the dried slices into powder or nuggets at the time you use them and upon re-moisturizing, allicin happens. The whole dried slices will retain almost all of their potency.


Freezing Garlic.
Actually, my own experience is limited. A customer told me she would freeze the bulbs whole (especially the smaller ones) and take one out and use it as needed and that they were great for cooking. I tried it and she was right, although you had to use the whole bulb immediately as it would rapidly deteriorate. I thought about putting some separated cloves in freezer bags to see how well they worked and, sure enough, I got an e-mail from someone else telling me how they kept bags of peeled whole, strips and diced garlic cloves in the freezer for instant use and how happy they were with it.

I would like to hear from more people who use frozen garlic. What kinds of recipes do they work best in and what kind do they not do so well in? How do they do in salsa or pesto or other recipes that normally call for crushed fresh garlic? Do you have any special recommendations for prepping them for freezing or for thawing? I'm looking for ideas from people more experienced than I am at this that I can pass on to others in the website.

My own personal preference is for fresh raw garlic, (There, I've said it and I'm glad. - I'm prejudiced and I admit it, but I'm free at last!) for one thing because of its crispness and texture (similar to water chestnut) as well as the unique taste sensation that is a part of each garlic. To me, these characteristics are lost in preserved garlic, though pickled garlic has a nice crunch and excellent flavor, something is lost in the transistion. Thawed frozen garlic was mushy and discolored but had a surprisingly robust flavor - perhaps that had something to do with the fact that I used a very strong garlic. It retained the flavor well, but there wasn't any hotness because the cloves were frozen whole and the cole denatured the alliinase.

I admit it, I'm spoiled rotten when it comes to garlic. We live a very plain and simple old style country life and love it, but when it comes to garlic, we reside in regal splendor. I like the idea of having lots of fresh bulbs and cloves in the kitchen so you can just grab a handful or two of cloves and peel, crush or slice and throw in the soup or stir fry. Sounds like an exercise in opulence to me. I remember one year at the Garlic is Life Festival in Tulsa watching Tony Lia, Head Chef at The Stinking Rose Restaurant in Hollywood, grab handfuls of sliced and slivered garlic from big mixing bowls full of it and throw scads of garlic into the cubes of filet mignon he was stir-frying in olive oil. It felt great just smelling it and watching but when I ate it I thought it was the best steak I have ever eaten and I live on a cattle ranch and have had some pretty good steaks in my life.

I have copius amounts of fresh garlic of a wide range of tastes and flavors around me year round but I still pickle and occasionally dry some to keep the emergency supply "fresh" - come to think of it, my sister-in-law swiped my dried garlic for her bread recipe and I now need to dry some more - just in case we lose our crop to drougght or grasshoppers or something. I also keep a jar of vinegar with garlic, slices of cukes, squash and onions in it. Yeah, I know, I'm rotten. I have jars of pickled garlic of various different kinds pickled in different kinds of vinegar and they all have their own special taste that is clearly different than the others.

When it comes to garlic, I live like a king wishes he could.

More information will be posted when I get either more info, and /or the time and inclination to enter it.


Pickling Garlic.

Pickled garlic may not be exactly like fresh garlic but it has a wonderfully refreshing and invigorating flavor of its own. I like any kind but basically use refrigerator pickles more than anything else because they're quick and easy and taste great. I usually add some onion, cucumber, squash slices and a little dill seed in some apple cider vinegar, or any other kind I happen to have on hand. They're fabulous with sandwiches, salads or just as crunchy snacks by themselves. They lose a lot of the heat in pickling and so you can eat more garlic this way. I'm not any kind of expert on canning or preserving but I picked a few recipes to pass on for several different ways of pickling garlic. Pickle the garlic anyway you want to, but pickle it and eat it because it is too delicious of a snack to pass up.

Here's a recipe from Canoe, the Canadian Internet Network:

Pickled Garlic:
12 large heads garlic, about 838 g (1 3/4 lb)
625 mL (21/2 cups) white vinegar
250 mL (1 cup) dry white wine
15 mL (1 tbsp) pickling salt
15 mL (1 tbsp) granulated sugar
15 mL (1 tbsp) dried oregano
5 dried whole chili peppers

Separate garlic bulbs into cloves. To soften and loosen skins, blanch garlic cloves in rapidly boiling water 30 seconds; immediately immerse in cold water, drain and peel cloves.

Place 5 clean 250 or 236 mL Mason jars in a boiling water canner; fill with water, bring to a boil. Boil SNAP lids 5 minutes to soften sealing compound.

In a large stainless steel saucepan, combine vinegar, wine, pickling salt, sugar and oregano. Bring to a boil; boil gently 1 minute; remove from heat. Add peeled garlic cloves to hot vinegar mixture. Stir constantly 1 minute.

Pack garlic and 1 dried whole chili pepper into a hot jar to within 2 cm ( 3/4-inch) of top rim. Add hot liquid to cover garlic to within 1 cm (1/2-inch) of top rim (head space). Using rubber spatula, remove air bubbles. Wipe jar rim removing any stickiness. Centre SNAP lid on jar; apply screw band just until fingertip tight. Place jar in canner. Repeat for remaining garlic and liquid.

Cover canner; return water to a boil. Process -- boil filled jars -- 10 minutes. Remove jars. Cool undisturbed 24 hours. Check jar seals. Sealed lids curve downward. Remove screw bands; wipe and dry bands and jars. Store screw bands separately or replace loosely on jars, as desired. Label and store in a cool, dark place.

Makes 5 250 or 236 mL jars.

Note: At elevations higher than 305 m (1,000 ft) increase processing time. Add 5 minutes at 306 to 915 m (1,000-3,000 ft); add 10 minutes at 916 to 1830 m (3,001-6,000 ft); add 15 minutes at elevations higher than 1831 m (6,0001 ft).

Warning: This recipe was specially formulated to allow home canners to preserve a low acid food -- garlic -- in a commonly available boiling water canner. Please do not deviate from the recipe ingredients; quantities, jar size and processing method and time. Any change could affect the safety of the end product.

Easy to Make Refrigerator Garlic Pickles

Ingredients: Whole, peeled garlic cloves Red wine vinegar
Salt (about 1 Tbs. per cup of vinegar)
Place the cloves of garlic in a jar with an air-tight lid. Add enough vinegar to cover, and add salt. Place lid on jar and shake to dissolve salt. Store in the refrigerator for two weeks before using to "cure". These should keep almost indefinitely, covered and refrigerated.

Kim Gunderson's (G&H Garlic Farm in Littleton, NH) Soy Refrigerator Pickled Garlic - Added October 14, 2005

Ingredients: Whole, peeled garlic cloves
5% Vinegar of your choice
Kikkoman's light soy sauce with reduced salt
Place the cloves of garlic in a jar with a lid and add enough vinegar to cover. Place lid on jar and store in the refrigerator for two weeks to "cure". Drain vinegar off and use seperately as garlic flavored vinegar. Place cloves into jar and add soy sauce to cover. Wait a week or more before eating. These should keep almost indefinitely, covered and refrigerated.

Another Recipe for Refrigerated Pickled Garlic

Great midnight snacks for true garlic lovers!
2 whole heads garlic, divided into peeled cloves
2/3 cup distilled white vinegar or white wine vinegar
3 tablespoons sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon commercial mixed pickling spice
3 sprigs fresh thyme, 3 inches long
one 1/2 pint sterilized jar with lid

Peel garlic, Cut any pieces that are thicker than 3/4 inch in half length-wise. In a small saucepan, boil vinegar, sugar, salt and pickling spice, stirring until sugar is dissolved. Add garlic cloves and return to a boil; cook stirring for 1 minute. Put thyme sprigs in jar then pour in garlic, liquid, and spices, filling to within 1/4 inch of top, making sure garlic is covered. Cover tightly. Let sit at room temperature for 24 hours to blend flavors, then refrigerate for up to 2 months.

Makes one 8 ounce jar.
By: Renee Shepherd and Fran Raboff
Shepherd's Garden Seeds

The North Carolina State University website says: Vinegar is an acid food but could become a low acid food if too much plant material is added to it (herbs and garlic). As long as only a sprig or two are added and they become fully acidified throughout and don't change the pH of the original vinegar then the contents remain an acid food. The problem is that what is a sprig to me may be a branch to someone else. The material must be fully submerged and you should have a way of determining if the pH of the plant material is below 4.6. These conditions and controls have been determined for the commercial manufacture of flavored vinegar but do not exist for the home.

Garlic contains sulfur compounds which can react with copper to form copper sulfate, a blue or blue-green compound. The amount of copper needed for this reaction is very small and is frequently found in normal water supplies.

Garlic Can Turn Blue
Raw garlic contains an enzyme that if not inactivated by heating reacts with sulfur (in the garlic) and copper (from water or utensils) to form blue copper sulfate. The garlic is still safe to eat.

Garlic can turn Green
If the garlic was not fully mature or dry, pigments in the garlic may turn green when in the presence of acid. Garlic will also turn green (develop chlorophyll) if exposed to an temperature change or is exposed to sunlight. Some people say it can be stored for 32 days at or above 70 - 80 F to prevent greening, but I'm not yet sure that is true. Green garlic is safe to eat.


Storing Garlic in Oil - Warning! - Not Safe.

It's important to keep food safety in mind when storing garlic in oil. Low-acid foods like garlic can be a source of Clostridium botulinum bacteria which are found in soil, water, and air. Oil's oxygen-free environment is perfect for growth of this anaerobic bacteria. Garlic in oil, therefore, must be stored correctly to prevent botulism food poisoning.

Commercial garlic-in-oil mixtures are acidified to prevent bacterial growth. These products can be stored safely at room temperature. Unfortunately, acidification of garlic in homemade oil mixtures can't be recommended because no research exists to support proper procedures. Different people recommend different methods and time to acidify and it is hard to know who is right. Instead, it's best to store these hazardous oils in the refrigerator, but for a limited time only. This conflicts with the desire for long term storage.

When raw garlic is stored in oil, Clostridium botulinum bacteria can grow. These mixtures must be refrigerated to slow bacterial growth. After 3 weeks of refrigeration, the increased number of bacteria will become a food safety hazard. Therefore, these mixtures should not be refrigerated longer than 3 weeks.

When garlic is immediately removed after flavoring oil, the bacteria will not have a "food source" for growth. The flavored oil can be stored safely at room temperature.

When vegetables or herbs are dried, water will not be available for bacterial growth. Therefore, DRIED vegetables or dried herbs (including garlic) in oil can be stored safely at room temperature. Note. Tomatoes are high in acid. Therefore, plain dried tomatoes in oil can be safely stored at room temperature.

Storage Recommendations: (According to Oregon State University Extension Service).

Raw or cooked garlic and/or herbs in oil:
These mixtures MUST be refrigerated. Do not store them longer than 3 weeks in the refrigerator. (Note. Raw garlic MAY be safely stored in vinegar at room temperature.)

Dried garlic and/or herbs in oil: If oil is seasoned with dried garlic and/or dried herbs, the mixture may be safely stored at room temperature. (Refrigeration may delay rancidity, however.)


The FDA MEMO on Garlic in Oil Preparations

Garlic in Oil Mixes
Food and Drug Administration
Chris W. Lecos (202) 245-1144

Because of a risk of botulism, the Food and Drug Administration today told companies to stop making any garlic-in-oil mixes which require refrigeration for safety. The agency also urged consumers to discard these and similar homemade products.

To be safe, FDA said, garlic-in-oil products should contain additional ingredients -- specific levels of microbial inhibitors or acidifying agents such as phosphoric or citric acid. Most garlic products do contain these additives, as disclosed on their labels.

But some food boutique or specialty mixes do not include the additives and need to be refrigerated from production through use. Manufacturers, repackers, food distributors and retailers who may handle these products are being notified by FDA that these products should be withdrawn.

FDA Commissioner Frank E. Young, M.D., Ph.D., said, "FDA's concern is that many consumers and retailers may consider such products to be non-perishable develop botulism too, Dr. Young warned, advising that these home products "should be made fresh for each use and not left around at room temperatures."

When two men and a woman from Kingston, N.Y., were hospitalized with botulism food poisoning after eating a commercial mix that had not been kept refrigerated, FDA at first issued a warning to consumers March 6 that improperly formulated products left at room temperature may develop deadly botulism toxin. But the agency reviewed these products' safety further and decided to eliminate the susceptible mixes. FDA said studies showed:
-- Unrefrigerated garlic-in-oil mixes lacking antimicrobial agents can permit the growth of Clostridium botulinum bacteria with subsequent toxin production without affecting the taste and smell of the products.
-- Toxin production can occur even when a small number of Clostridium botulinum spores are present in the garlic. When the spore-containing garlic is bottled and covered with oil, an oxygen-free environment is created that promotes the germination of spores and the growth of microorganisms at temperatures as low as 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

Botulism is a potentially fatal food poisoning characterized by blurred or double vision, speech and breathing difficulty and progressive paralysis. Without prompt and correct treatment, one-third of those diagnosed may die. Clostridium botulinum bacteria are widespread in the environment, but their spores cause no harm when there is oxygen in the environment


Garden Ornament
Jul 14, 2008
Reaction score
WI-zone 4
Holy cow! I think blurose got it covered :) I use mine fresh after hang drying it. My stuff from last year didn't even start sprouting nubby roots until this spring.

I hope I'm not underestimating your knowledge, but you asked about yields. Each clove yields 1 bulb. The bigger the clove planted, in general the bigger the bulb it yields. I got really nice-sized bulbs, which are supposed to be the result of decently fertile soil, good mulching and water supply, little weed competition.

I use mine in salsa, crockpot chicken, tomato soup, spaghetti sauce, every stir-fried veggie I make, pesto, pickles. Hmmm.... That's all I can think of right now. Oh yeah--lots of soups, chili, casseroles, lasagna...

I seriously think it helps keep my healthy! Not sure, though, if it is the garlic or the fact that nobody wants to get close enough to infect me with anything! :lol:

RE: Market--I sold mine for $1/head this year, thinking people would never pay it. Every time I take it to my tiny little market, I sell at least 40!

I grew Music, Red Chesnok and Georgia Crystal since I knew them to do well around here. There's another garlic farm I can't wait to visit soon, as they grow 40+ varieties!

Good luck!


Garden Addicted
Jul 17, 2008
Reaction score
Zone 6A - Southeast Indiana
candyd said:
I can not grow Garlic. It fails every year. What is your secret??
Honestly, I think it might have been dumb luck since it was my first time growing it. I think having a drier site is helpful so that it doesn't rot. Of course, now that I've said it, what do you bet the stuff I plant this year rots?? :lol:


Chillin' In The Garden
Jul 8, 2008
Reaction score
Corinth, NY
me&thegals said:
There's a garlic "bible" and it might even be named that, "The Garlic Bible" or maybe something like "Growing Great Garlic." Actually, let me just give you this link:
www.organicgardening.com/featureprint/1,7759,s1-5-16-231,00.html. If you can't find it for some reason, please post here again and I'd be glad to pass on the details.

Good luck! It really IS easy. I first got my soil more fertile last year by sprinkling in 1 box of dried blood and 1 box of bone meal, working it in the first couple inches of soil. Then, I planted my garlic in 5-foot-wide beds with walking aisles between. It was only my second year trying it, but the 600 bulbs are beauties!
You all have given me a kick in the pants to try again. I also think I am going to plant it in another spot. It gets about 80% sunlight. Is that enough? Also, I am going to try the dried blood, and the bone meal this year. I will run down to the farmers market and purchast some of theirs and try my hand at it again. I ordered the book that was recomended also.



Garden Ornament
Jul 14, 2008
Reaction score
WI-zone 4
As someone who occasionally sells at the market and has bought there even longer, pick the marketers brains! They have grown it in your area and will be able to tell you what works best.

My garlic gets sun from early morning to mid-afternoon, after which it becomes shaded. It does fine. I only watered it once or twice, but never the month before harvesting. Mainly I just mulched it like crazy to keep the weeds out.

Also, you HAVE to read up about garlic scapes, the flowering stalks that come out the top. I happened to read about it on Mother Earth News the very week before my 100s of garlic plants shot them out. Thank goodness!! They turned out to be incredibly tasty for adding to soup, stir-frying and making into pesto. They're even funky enough to make an interesting addition to floral arrangements :)


Chillin' In The Garden
Jul 8, 2008
Reaction score
Corinth, NY
Thank you so much, like I said in the post above. I am going to try again. I love Mother Earth News, and cant wait until I can try the scrapes in all that you mentioned.

Come next spring, I will give you an update on my garlic :)


Garden Addicted
Apr 28, 2010
Reaction score
Palm Desert CA
I've grown garlic for years but only casually. It grows so easily for me I never pay it much attention. My garlic cloves come from a local grocery store so I presume it came from Gilroy. It's a soft neck variety that does not flower. Right now the tops are falling over but still have some green in them.
Anyone care to comment on soft neck vs hard neck varieties?


Attractive To Bees
Jun 18, 2010
Reaction score
Also another question, is this a plant to harvest in spring or do they grow through summer? I know it was stated to plant them in fall, but unsure of the harvest.

If they are early spring harvest maybe I will fill a corner of my bed with them once my spring/summer plants are spent. :)

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