Who are you, and what does that avatar really mean?


Garden Master
Jun 1, 2011
Reaction score
Well, "Secuono" is a word/name I made up back in 9th grade, I think. Has no meaning, like some made up words/languages. Came from my infatuation of manga and anime, I believe the "last name" for Secuono is Musaki. I don't remember when or what made me come up with it. I did make up a launguage in 7th grade, only remember one word, "konokashea", which meant "dollface." Kono-doll, kashea-face. Even my mother knows that word and I named a doll that, actually, that's why I started the language. I like to name plants, figurines, dolls, ect and I had run out of names in English and Polish, lol. I've had many names, Secuono is my most common, I have email accounts for it and mainly forums. Few forums have another name. Everyone thinks I'm a guy because it ends in an O and not an A, very annoying. I had to mention being a girl in my signature in one forum because it was so bad...

As for the avatar, I always change it, I take too many pictures to just keep one image for long. This current one is of my LGD pup, she loves water. All avatars are of my animals, now. Before they were of random photography of mine or manga characters.

And I'm just a 24 year old, self made farmer girl. Family is from Poland, no real farming in my blood. Grandma had nutria and chickens, aunt had a couple sheep. When I met my fiance, things really blew up and the animals started flooding in, haha. Couldn't think of life without them, though, even as annoying as they can be. Fiance doesn't mind as long as he doesn't have to help, I hate teaching people and letting them go through the whole trial and error stage. I much rather do it myself the right way than try to hide my panic as he screws everything up... :D


Garden Master
Mar 21, 2012
Reaction score
That's a pretty cool story Sec.

Some gals at my high school, (upper paleolithic), invented a language only they knew, and whoo wheee, they could talk it fast!

Vithagee vethagaaa va dididde dagiggadefee, something like that. They never did explain it to me! Top secret I guess! Long before there was manga or anime. I like some of the stories of it. The half cat neko story is especially good.


Garden Master
Dec 1, 2010
Reaction score
North Idaho 48th parallel
I thought this could use another bump. I had fun re-reading it, a lot of us have new avatars!
We have a lot of fun new members on TEG and even some oldies that didn't post on this thread, so this is a chance to embarrass yourself tell us about yourselves. :)


Garden Master
Jan 25, 2014
Reaction score
"amkuska" is my first and middle initial, and my last name. My usual username is "Xiuhcoati" and I thought I'd give people a break from trying to spell it. Wasn't that nice of me?

My avatar is my mini-celebrity, Rocco. You may have seen him on the Barker, with his punting trick. Or perhaps you saw him at the grand opening of the World's Longest Biscuit Buffet..he was in two separate newspapers. :) Or you might have seen him on my blog, or...yah. He gets around a lot. ^^ I chose that photo because it was the first one I grabbed. I'll probably change it to something plant or chicken related eventually.

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
South-est, central-est Wisconsin
Iff'en ya'll don't know what my avatar stands for you haven't been around here long enough or often enough -- DON"T BE A STRANGER!

These seven cups are holding 18 precious CLOUDBERRY seeds (thank you, thank you, thank you, SeedO!) during their second step toward germination ... "plant and keep warm for one month". We are at one third of a month today.

Sprinkler Buddy

Deeply Rooted
Jan 6, 2012
Reaction score
I'll come clean! Not that I really ever tried to hide who I am or what I'm doing here. My name is Leo Gauthier III, I'm a starving inventor. That is if you consider a small town lawn care professional that has only invented one thing that he has tried to bring to market an inventor. I don't really consider myself as an inventor but I have been told I am. lol
I search for lawn and garden related forums to join in hopes of educating folks of my invention "Sprinkler Buddy". Outside of my home state of Florida, few know that these kind of products exist. It's not that they don't work. Here in Florida, one can find at least 1-3 products of this kind in their local hardware store. It's because other similar products found on the market don't hold up so well in the colder/brutal winters most receive, that's why most have never heard of such or have seen them in their hardware stores.
Not only does my product hold up in all climates, it works better than any other product out their. I'm not being a salesmen, if I didn't truly believe in what I have, I would have never had risked sooooooo much in bringing it to a reality.
I have hit and overcome many bumps in the road to get to where I'm currently at, my family has sacrificed so much as well.
I have been banned from a couple of forums, they say I'm not allowed to advertise for free. Believe me!!! I wish I had the funds to advertise, I'm trying to educate.
I do know I'm taking a risk of being banned from this forum by making this post. I just stumbled across this thread and felt the need to come clean, it would play on my mind if I didn't.
When the day comes and I believe it will, the day that I can afford to advertise, all of the forums that have allowed me to remain under the radar and participate on their forum. I will become a paid sponsor!
I must say, this is truly the best forum I have found. On most other forums, the members are constantly degrading and trying to put other members down. I guess its to make themselves feel better. It's nice to see a forum, where its members are genuinely trying to help each other or just carrying on a nice conversation.
If this should be my last post, I would like to say Thank You! To the members that have made me feel welcomed and at home. I'll hold nothing against this forum and I'll leave the link to this forum that's on my website. I understand, it's just business if I should get canned. lol Fitting "canned".

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
South-est, central-est Wisconsin
You call that coming clean? Heck, Bud, I reckon many of us have already been to you website and know exactly who you are ... inventor-wise anyway. (Kind of neat! IMHO) I have had no problem with your posts or your friendly attutude so far and as long as you continue to be involved in garden, yard, lawn related topics I see no reason to can you.
Besides canning is a time consuming project and one I prefer to restrict to homegrown products. I am NOT a cannibal!

Sprinkler Buddy

Deeply Rooted
Jan 6, 2012
Reaction score
That's funny! lol Hope the moderators of this forum feel the same. I have taken more from this forum than I have given, due to lack of experience mostly. I'll continue to give back wherever I can.