Will spring ever come?

valley ranch

Garden Master
Dec 22, 2014
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Sierra Nevada mountains, and Nevada high desert
O.K. I will try not to be offended. :idunnoIF you drove a route you'll know that all we do is not JUST DRIVE! After all we are the only adult in a box with wheels and up to 66 sometimes rowdy littles. We clean up vomit, referee, wash bus inside and out. Do pre-trip and post trip bus inspections. (Dang oily dip stick!)- and Fuel (Diesel stinks) so much for clean hands.:tongue I also work summers. Sports trips and daycare trips. So....

Carol ~ No ~ please don't be offended ~ I found out ~ all there was to ~ driving bus ~ breaking up fights ~ helping/holding kids with seizures~ breaking up the pecking order ~ all you've mentioned ``` No one knows until they're in the drivers seat ```

I know what you have to do ~ everyday ~ no mater how you feel ```

Pleas don't think I was ~ making light of that job ~ I found when I began to drive ~ what had to be done ~ to do it right ```

valley ranch

Garden Master
Dec 22, 2014
Reaction score
Sierra Nevada mountains, and Nevada high desert
I was driving an old Gillig ~ I put a tape deck in ~ the high school ~ would get on and greet me: Good afternoon Sir Richard ~ or ~ I didn't put on a tape ~ at first they weren't sure ~ until ~they saw the humor of it and took it up ```` I was training a Sub ~ at the last stop ~ she said: Wow ~ the kids don't act like that on Ann's bus ```

You know ~ the overdid it ~ cause she was there ``` Yes ~ Sir Richard ~ what ever you say ~ Sir Richard ```

They have Blue Birds now with Automatic Transmissions ~ radios and radios between base and buses ``

valley ranch

Garden Master
Dec 22, 2014
Reaction score
Sierra Nevada mountains, and Nevada high desert
Some schools have security ~ I've heard ~ I've taken over routes ~ where ~ the king rat ~ the tough guy ~ sat in the very back seat center ~ with his followers around him ~ and the want a be ~ toughs ~ further up ~ and when the king pug ~ was gone ~ for good ~a follower ~ would move into his place ~ I called it the Arsholelogical Order ```

valley ranch

Garden Master
Dec 22, 2014
Reaction score
Sierra Nevada mountains, and Nevada high desert
Took the Soccer team to a ranching/farming town in northern Nevada ~ the team on the bus was ~ very South American ~ they had stayed up all night smoking n token ~ didn't have the needed rest ~ thinking these farm boy ~ would be a push over ``` They got their butts kicked so bad ~ they wanted to fight ~ that would have been a mistake ~ those kids they were calling ~ hicks and Okies ~ were ready ~ out played em ~ and could handle them ~ like they handle a bale of hay ~ you could see it ~ when a tussle would happen on the field ```

I loved field trips ```


Garden Master
Dec 10, 2016
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East-central Wisconsin
Carol ~ No ~ please don't be offended ~ I found out ~ all there was to ~ driving bus ~ breaking up fights ~ helping/holding kids with seizures~ breaking up the pecking order ~ all you've mentioned ``` No one knows until they're in the drivers seat ```
Sounds familiar... so I guess driving a school bus is just like parenthood? ;)


Garden Master
Dec 10, 2016
Reaction score
East-central Wisconsin
So the old saying goes "March in like a lion, out like a lamb"? Seems like this year that lion gathered up the rest of the pride & marched into April. It looks like those lions are hungry. :hide

Winter storm warnings here, we are expecting the heaviest snowfall of the year... up to 18" predicted for parts of upper Wisconsin. Snow is not unusual for April, but this is the kind of storm we would typically expect in December. We haven't had a winter storm this big in years.


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
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border, ID/WA(!)
I "almost" mowed the back lawn today. The rainclouds were moving back in -- I found out that I didn't have any gas for the mower.

Oh, it was okay. It didn't really need mowing. I was just trying to not leave a mess under the sawhorses if they stay in my "sweet spot" for a week or so. The flats of onions are now out there since they needed some water and were lined up across the path between the hoophouse beds. Broccoli, kale and cabbage took their place in the hoophouse. The temperatures are not supposed to drop below 40°f for a few nights.

I ran over the lawn with the weedwacker, had that gas. The sweet spot is where the grass grows earliest ... well, that might be about 10' away where the reflection of the sunlight from the South Window falls on the lawn but, anyway, the sweet spot is most out of the wind and has a fair amount of sunlight early, shade right at midday and in the late afternoon. It began to rain right after I finished and got the onions moved.

Children? I love children. They are "what it's all about," people! Olde folks? Come on! We think we know all about kids because we were once kids. I bet we have forgotten 99.9999..9% of what happened when we were. Remember some of the drama ... relationships with others that, often, didn't turn out right. Anybody who wasn't cut from the same cloth were about as foreign to us as crickets are to grasshoppers. Think our minds might have opened up a little since childhood??

The kids are a joy for me to see but I don't have much of a relationship with them. No grandchildren from either my daughter or son.

I think that I've lived half my life within a block or 2 of an elementary school. There are also two little girls next door. I have plenty of kids to watch playing. Even when school's out, there are kids on the playground, not always little kids since the basketball hoops may attract even grownups, at times. There are cars with parents back and forth, buses back and forth - like crazy on schooldays.

Nope. No grandchildren ... DD is having her 30th birthday in less than a month. DS is pushing 50. He won't be having any children.

Nope. I don't know what's wrong with DS. We share quite a bit not just in looks but personality.
I'm sure he likes kids,
about the same as me.
Yeah, he's about the same as me.




Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
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mid-Michigan, USoA
"bunch of frozen dumba$$es!" -- Walter via JD... we have a few of his dvds unfortunately we didn't like his more recent one's we've seen. he got way too stuck on Achmed and the divorce and it all sounded the same. i've not really watched too much of the youtube clips of him, i keep saying i should check them out sometime, but get distracted by other things.

you may appreciate this, i finally got sick of not having enough space or power on the old machine to mess around with the linux kernel source code and recompiling it and all that sort of geeking. the new machine can handle it for sure. :) well with the newer kernel versions it has been dropping my keyboard at times so i went to see what was up, found some patches which may take care of the problem, but ran into the basic thing similar to what @Nyboy experienced with his Dodge truck window, where he had the part but it didn't fit. while i was sleeping last night i downloaded up the entire 2Gb of linux source code and history that is being used by Linus hisself and should be able to find where these patches apply...

a good project for a blustery day.

and also feeding the worm farm.

and getting some pictures from the past few days edited and uploaded to website.

and... perhaps a nap. :) we'll see what actually gets done.

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