Carol Dee
Garden Master
Today is cool , in the mid 70's with breeze. No AC needed. Nights will be in the mid 60s Yesterday we had rain@ If you can call it rain. Sprinkled mostly for about 6 hours. Refreshing but put less than a 1/2 inch in gauge.
I hope when you googled it you got to see 'The Goose' because those 2 go together like ketchup on a burgerIt's 42°, this morning.
I only see one weather underground volunteer with a 39°, not far from the garden. Near, it's a 44°.
One "problem" is indicated by the neighbor tree squirrel. Sometime around the solstice, he was running on top of the fence at 4:15AM. That seemed as early as he would ever show up. This morning, I thought it was about the same amount of light looking out the kitchen window. Didn't see him but it was 5:45. Here, we have lost over 2 1/2 hours from our (nearly exact) 16 hours of daylight on the first day of summer ....
By The Way, @heirloomgal said something about "way up north" at Wawa, Ontario (what a name)! I checked. Wawa is just a few minutes of latitude north of where I live
. Like more than half of the Canadians, HeirloomGal lives south of my home, here in the contiguous 48 States
who ain't movin any farther north
The most northern tip of Maine is 47° 28′ North latitude. Since the Canadian/US border is at 49°N from Minnesota to the Pacific, there is a fair number of US communities north of any part of Maine, which is so prominently "north" on maps.are you really that North?
The most northern tip of Maine is 47° 28′ North latitude. Since the Canadian/US border is at 49°N from Minnesota to the Pacific, there is a fair number of US communities north of any part of Maine, which is so prominently "north" on maps.
Seattle is north of the state of Maine at 47°36′35″North. ~ info all from Wikipedia, which includes a picture of the Wawa Canada goose in its article about the town
It was 31° in Cheney, @Gardening with Rabbits .
Down to 29° in Harvard.
You don't know where Harvard Idaho is? @Collector does, I'm sure. Just mail your GPS device general delivery to Harvard. You will be able to pick it up at the Post Office.
GoodI googled it lol but that is cold, wow.
What was it? What do you wish you had in your 2021 garden, but didn't?
@ducks4you says that we should be shopping for our 2022 seeds. I've been looking at the Restoration Seeds website - they put the emphasis on offering seed that will grow plants for Seed Savers and seem to offer more varieties each year. I'm unsure about recommending them since I have only ordered a few things from them on 2 occasions. There were no problems with those seeds!
I regret not having orach in my garden for several years. Leaving the garden (new property owners) where it volunteered for me for years, not saving seed, growing what I hoped would be the "right" varieties from Baker Creek, searching, searching online ... still, unsure how I'll replace the one I had!
What happened to me growing Maruba Santoh? Nice green, quite mild enough for a salad. I was pleased to have both Komatsuma and Senposai in the garden, this year. Senposai ?! That's a hybrid ... so I can't save the seeds!
Yes I do know where it is, worked for a tree farm there in school. Haven’t been through there for a long time now.It was 31° in Cheney, @Gardening with Rabbits .
Down to 29° in Harvard.
You don't know where Harvard Idaho is? @Collector does, I'm sure. Just mail your GPS device general delivery to Harvard. You will be able to pick it up at the Post Office.