Another cold front seems to have blown in. It was in the 60s this morning and the high is 80. The humidity is steadily dropping and is currently at about 40% which is quite dry for us. We’ve also got a good wind blowing and just a few big puffy clouds so really perfect early fall weather here. We’re supposed to drop into the 50s tonight and tomorrow then it supposed heat up again next week.
It rained. Mostly, during the early hours before daylight on Saturday morning - the result was .24 of an inch.
Some nearby localities had a fair amount more. I saw no reports of any landslides that can happen where fire has burned off the vegetation. The soil is very dry. In DB's neighborhood, he had only a sprinkle but then, there was quite a thunderstorm last night. Nearly, a half inch of rain fell. That can make quite a difference when less than 9 inches of precipitation has fallen thru all of 2021. However, I don't know if this rain came to DB's neck of the woods. Typical of thunderstorms, the community just south of his home had zero rain.
More "unsettled weather is in the forecast for this weekend. I continue to be optimistic that we have returned to a more normal situation - which would be some good rain but then, freezing. Snow the first week of November. Usually, having snow is okay with me. This fringe of a Mediterranean climate means that we have most of our precipitation during winter, with dry summers. Not This Dry but snow can allow for saturation of the soil where needed water is available for native plants and allows for water moving through rivers over a longer period of time. More snow can be More better. Besides, it brightens a winter landscape .
we got hammered yesterday, twice, many little hammers in the form of hail. severe rain, yes that's a phrase i can use accurately as the rain came down so hard and fast that all of my earth works to hold back water were swamped in just a few minutes. we've had hail before, but i've not recalled watching it float in the birdbaths for a while.
i need to go out and check some plants to see if they got shredded or not, i don't think they did too bad as we were on the edge of the worst of it, but i still want to know how bad they might be now. i'm waiting for the current round of rains to go past before i get out to do that. i have to decide if i want to sort the recycle so i can set out the plastics, glass and cans apart from the paper goods. we didn't get the recycle set out last week due to high winds and storms so we're getting backed up... Mom's been baking a lot.
luckily we had harvested all of the ripe tomatoes and there's not too much left out there and i also had gotten all of the melons picked that were due to come in so the worst damage will be some decorative plants and any dry beans that are going to be getting too wet this week.
it's pretty foggy out there now, i'd call this froggy weather if i could hear them calling but this year has been so dry there's been very little froggy sounds at all. i worry about my froggy and toady friends out there.
Still short of rain fall. None in the weeks forecast again. Yet the Wapsi river is running full when most of the summer it was shallow with many sand bars. So somewhere north of us is getting a lot.
Wending my way through the pre-dawn darkened house, I arrived at the living room thermometer to learn that it was 69° (21°C) this morning. No baking or processing veggies on top of the stove yesterday - 3 store shopping. By dawn, it was 45° (7°C) outdoors, after yesterday's high of 76° (24°C).
Nice, clear sky days with little smoke ... Forecast has a low in the 30's by Thursday morning.
Notice how we say that we "wend our way" . Probably we all learned in 3rd grade English that "went" is past tense of "go" because "wend" was once a commonly used synonym. I was reminded of that as my customary path opened up before me with the 3 nightlights and a useful streetlight brightening the kitchen through one window from under the yard tree .