Garden Addicted
We had a surprise snowstorm on Thanksgiving. Heavy wet snow that caused a lot of power outages statewide. Fortunately most of it melted yesterday, and there are just a few inches remaining if that.
That was almost exactly our temperatures on November 29th: 30f High, 28f Low.30F-High 29F-Low
Brave little flower considering all of the insects have hibernated.
We are having flurries with accumulation.
I remember when I was a kid we lived in Nevada City, CA and sometimes it would snow like 3 feet all at once. We had a really long, steep driveway and my brother and I were in charge of shoveling all of that snow! Whew! It took forever to get that job done! The good news was it often happened during the week and the schools would shut down ! Yay! So we got to play hookie!cold, windy and snowy this evening. a few inches of snow in the forecast. 20F and breezy... glad i'm in here and not out there...will probably have to do some shovelling tomorrow morning.
i don't dislike doing it, but i much prefer to not do it in the morning and also after the wind and storm is done... i'm not sure what the morning will bring in any regards so hey, it's just another day and we'll get it taken care of no matter what.
my brother and I were in charge of shoveling all of that snow! Whew! It took forever to get that job done! The good news was it often happened during the week and the schools would shut down ! Yay! So we got to play hookie!