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  1. GrowinVeggiesInSC

    Ugh, please tell me I can fix this! (Update p.2)

    Yup, that's what I plan on doing. Pots of marigolds all around. Tansy, too, if I can find it. I already have basil seedlings growing in a different part of the yard, I will transplant them into pots and move them to the garden. I am going to make the smart move and wait until tomorrow. I don't...
  2. GrowinVeggiesInSC

    pics from around the yard 5-24ish

    Gorgeous. I have GOT to plant some daylillies next year.
  3. GrowinVeggiesInSC

    Dont ever go to compost in the dark!

    :yuckyuck Glad your ok. I have one word for you: HEADLAMP!!! Best invention EVER!
  4. GrowinVeggiesInSC


    :lol:Haha, I'm no expert, but you're welcome! I learn most of my stuff by accident. Just like going out into the garden early in the morning and seeing the zucchini flowers open and having an "aha!"-moment. :D
  5. GrowinVeggiesInSC

    Ugh, please tell me I can fix this! (Update p.2)

    Eeek! :ep I saw two or three actual cucumber beetles in my yard today. I stumpled across this site that gives some helpful tips on how to get rid of the little buggers. I think I might try making sticky traps.
  6. GrowinVeggiesInSC


    Congratulations on graduating! Best of luck finding a position! Mhhh... bakeries always smell sooooo good, what a wonderful place to work! :D What kind of business do you want to start? Cake-making? Around here, wedding cake makers do pretty well, this is one of the top spots for destination...
  7. GrowinVeggiesInSC

    Got a lot done today... pictures of the yard.

    Fantastic stuff! I am so jealous of your front porch, it's beautifu and huge! I wish I had one of those. And I love the look of your wrought-iron fencing around the garden. Much more chic than my hardware cloth and wood! :happy_flower You reminded me that I need to get my blog updated, too. My...
  8. GrowinVeggiesInSC

    Dirty feet!!

    :lau :yuckyuck Sorry, this is just such a funny post. I garden barefoot a lot, and DH HATES it because my feet get filthy. but I love the way the grass and dirt feel under my feet, so he can fuss all he wants. I usually get in a good footbath if my feet are really dirty. I have a tub that I...
  9. GrowinVeggiesInSC

    Do you have an unrecognized gardening skill?

    I'm good at conceptualizing layouts. If you look at the layout I planned for our garden (I made one on the computer), it's almost exactly what the garden looks like now. We added a few more plants than I expected, but other than that, the fence is just as I designed it, and the gate, rain...
  10. GrowinVeggiesInSC

    Fall Winter Garden - zone 7b

    Oooh, neat-o! I'm in SC, too, so I'll be following your progress and maybe even following suit!
  11. GrowinVeggiesInSC

    Seed train like on BYC?

    Wow! That's great! I'm glad to hear you're doing so well with it. Makes all that hard work well worth it, I'm sure. I enjoy seeing your pictures of the greenhouse and living vicariously. ;) PS: Yes, I've been lurking in this thread. After I plant my newest seeds I might even have some left-over...
  12. GrowinVeggiesInSC

    Trying a few more pics...

    So funny about the wisteria! My MIL (who is from Albany, NY) was asking if a cutting would root (she saw the "nuisance vine" in my yard this Easter - growing over from the neighbor's - we can't contain it!). I told her, "oh, that's invasive, you don't want it." Not thinking about the fact that...
  13. GrowinVeggiesInSC

    What animals are you Gardening with?

    :yuckyuck I used to have rabbit poop when I worked at a school that had a rabbit as a pet. I miss that poop! I would clean the cage and bag the poop and shavings (everyone thought I was strange), it was wonderful in the compost. I have cats and dogs, but unfortunately no chickens.:/ Maybe one...
  14. GrowinVeggiesInSC

    Straw bale garden

    Very cool. Can't wait to see stuff get bigger and see how the bales do throughout the season.
  15. GrowinVeggiesInSC

    Straw bale garden

    Neat-o! What kinds of stuff are you growing?
  16. GrowinVeggiesInSC

    Gots seeds in the mail...

    Yeah, I prune my lantana in the late Winter and it comes back so fast in the Spring, it's like I can almost watch it grow! I read that Datura is poisonous, so I am thinking I should put it out front somewhere. I have a dog that eats EVERYTHING (case in point: he ate a whole bird yesterday and...
  17. GrowinVeggiesInSC

    Who has a Fairy Garden?

    So cute! The school I used to work at had a beautiful yard for the kids to play in, complete with a vegetable garden and pet bunny rabbit. Most of the girls created fairy gardens all over the place. I should have taken pictures, but I didn't. The best was when they made fairy sailboats out of...
  18. GrowinVeggiesInSC

    Gots seeds in the mail...

    Thanks for the info, vfem. I have lantana in my front yard, and I do keep it as a perrenial. It keeps coming back bigger and bigger!! This will be the first time trying it from seed. Very exciting! I'm happy to hear that penstemmon gets big, I thought it was a small plant. I like big. :clap
  19. GrowinVeggiesInSC


    I just realized I never told you how to hand pollinate! :hu Get a small artist's paintbrush and pick up some of the pollen off the male flower, then put that pollen on the female flower's stigma. It's sticky, so the pollen should stay put. Do this early in the morning when the flowers are open...
  20. GrowinVeggiesInSC

    Garden Whipping! - Updated: pg21

    LOVE it! I can't wait to see it in another month. I may just show up on your doorstep to see it in person (i.e., take a vacation in your yard - don't worry, I'll bring my own tent). :gig