
Garden Master
Sep 1, 2009
Reaction score
WV, Zone 6B
Oh wow, what a miracle you went in and they caught it in time. Did they think the chicken pox caused it?

We had my dad back in the ER last weekend with another blood clot in the same leg. And again he didn't want to go. Came from an appt with the neurosurgeon and I told him and he told Dad to go, so walking down the hall I said we better stop by ER and have it checked out. He said "ok, whatever you say". 40 minute drive later to ER back home, I pull into hospital drive and yells at me, "where are you going!" Short-term memory loss... :confused:

He had the Lovenox shots for 3 months with the first one. Never complained of feeling any different. He did well until the last couple weeks and his stomach was terribly bruised and they caused him awful pain. ER doc was going to give him another and he said no way, he'd rather die. So they went with Eliquis instead. He's not happy to take another pill, but consented to the compromise. It relieved his pain and swelling within hours. He has not complained of dizziness with that either, just a little fatigue, but that could also be the chemo. I would call the pharmacist or teledoc if you have that service. You may need to have the doc check that out. Take it easy too! I know with a leg clot they tell you to walk for 30 minutes daily or at least move it around. I don't know iF that is good for a clot in the lungs though. As I understand it, it takes some time for the clot to completely dissolve, but the blood thinner will keep it from getting stuck.

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
Oh wow, what a miracle you went in and they caught it in time. Did they think the chicken pox caused it?

We had my dad back in the ER last weekend with another blood clot in the same leg. And again he didn't want to go. Came from an appt with the neurosurgeon and I told him and he told Dad to go, so walking down the hall I said we better stop by ER and have it checked out. He said "ok, whatever you say". 40 minute drive later to ER back home, I pull into hospital drive and yells at me, "where are you going!" Short-term memory loss... :confused:

He had the Lovenox shots for 3 months with the first one. Never complained of feeling any different. He did well until the last couple weeks and his stomach was terribly bruised and they caused him awful pain. ER doc was going to give him another and he said no way, he'd rather die. So they went with Eliquis instead. He's not happy to take another pill, but consented to the compromise. It relieved his pain and swelling within hours. He has not complained of dizziness with that either, just a little fatigue, but that could also be the chemo. I would call the pharmacist or teledoc if you have that service. You may need to have the doc check that out. Take it easy too! I know with a leg clot they tell you to walk for 30 minutes daily or at least move it around. I don't know iF that is good for a clot in the lungs though. As I understand it, it takes some time for the clot to completely dissolve, but the blood thinner will keep it from getting stuck.

I asked a doctor about the chickenpox and they said they are finding evidence of virus and pulmonary problems, but who knows. It could have been just that I sat more. That was 2 months ago. They gave me the Lovenox shot in the hospital and I felt okay. I am glad to hear the Eliquis helped your dad so fast. I feel better tonight. I just have to be careful and not do too much. I have only felt slight shortness of breath twice today and I started to get the shoulder pain right before it was time to take the Eliquis and now I do not feel the pain at all. Strange how a pain like that could be related to your lung. They told me to do what I had been doing, work in my garden, move around and rest if I get shortness of breath. You are right that the thinner does not dissolve the clot. It prevents more from happening or this to get bigger. Your body dissolves the clot.


Garden Addicted
Apr 19, 2011
Reaction score
Fairfield, ME zone 3/4
Glad they figured this out quickly and you are starting to feel better. Kudos to you for losing weight and starting to move around more. It sounds like you are being cautious and are going to feel better than ever.


Garden Master
Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
SW Washington
My wife never had even an inkling of any heart / blood circulating issues, then she had aa blood clot hit her heart and she dropped onto the sidewalk. If the ambulance would have arrived just a minute or two later and didn't receive chest compression when she did to move the blood clot from her heart which then traveled to her lungs , she would have been gone. She had a 4+ hr surgery to remove as much of the blood clot as possibble , mutiple blood transfusions, then IV added blood drip to replace blood loss under her skin and between her muscles for 4 days. and 2 blood thinners. Now she takes warfarin 2x / day. She now is using a oxgen machine too and can walk slowly using a walker which she used when I walked her yesterday s l o w l y to the end of the cul de sac and back. She was exhausted after the trip and fell asleap a half hour later.

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
Glad they figured this out quickly and you are starting to feel better. Kudos to you for losing weight and starting to move around more. It sounds like you are being cautious and are going to feel better than ever.

Really, I am puzzled about how much a person has to move around. I think the chickenpox episode just put everything over the edge. I reread all the paperwork and it does say be active, but do not overdo it and feel any shortness of breath stop and rest. Last week I built a compost bin and huffed and puffed and mad at myself thinking how in the world could I be so out of shape.

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
My wife never had even an inkling of any heart / blood circulating issues, then she had aa blood clot hit her heart and she dropped onto the sidewalk. If the ambulance would have arrived just a minute or two later and didn't receive chest compression when she did to move the blood clot from her heart which then traveled to her lungs , she would have been gone. She had a 4+ hr surgery to remove as much of the blood clot as possibble , mutiple blood transfusions, then IV added blood drip to replace blood loss under her skin and between her muscles for 4 days. and 2 blood thinners. Now she takes warfarin 2x / day. She now is using a oxgen machine too and can walk slowly using a walker which she used when I walked her yesterday s l o w l y to the end of the cul de sac and back. She was exhausted after the trip and fell asleap a half hour later.

This is so crazy! I just had asked you when you first posted about your wife did she have any symptoms and here I was sitting with a blood clot. I guess mine passed through my heart into my lung. Your wife has a job, she was on her way to work. Is there a reason that this happened to her? Had she been sick in the last month or taken a trip? Those are the questions they asked me. Your wife is very strong to go through all this and be home walking with a walker to recover. I will be praying for her and thinking of all she has gone through.

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B

valley ranch

Garden Master
Dec 22, 2014
Reaction score
Sierra Nevada mountains, and Nevada high desert
Hi, Hope/pray the best for you.

I'm not fond of Rat Poison {Warfarin} for the thinning of blood!

There are Natural, healthy things that will thin our blood~the first is Water drinking enough to remain Hydrated, then there are:
  • Parsley.
  • Kale.
  • Spinach.
  • Collard greens.
  • Asparagus.
  • Cauliflowers.
  • Celery.
  • Leeks.
  • These thin our blood in the manner it should be thinned, Not by damaging the Plasma or arteries.
  • Please don't mind my chiming in here, I'm very against coumadin. while I do use it here for the control of rodents, I resist it's use for humans because of collateral damage.
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