
Garden Addicted
Jun 5, 2014
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Vancouver Island B.C. Canada
I was put on the shot in the belly, can't remember the name of it as it is much easier to regulate than Warfarin. If I remember correctly what dosage given depends on one's weight. It's given an inch or two away from the belly button. Hubby gave me mine at the same time every day around 4.


Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
Hi, Hope/pray the best for you.

I'm not fond of Rat Poison {Warfarin} for the thinning of blood!

There are Natural, healthy things that will thin our blood~the first is Water drinking enough to remain Hydrated, than there are:
  • Parsley.
  • Kale.
  • Spinach.
  • Collard greens.
  • Asparagus.
  • Cauliflowers.
  • Celery.
  • Leeks.
  • These thin our blood in the manner it should be thinned, Not by damaging the Plasma or arteries.
  • Please don't mind my chiming in here, I'm very against coumadin. while I do use it here for the control of rodents, I resist it's use for humans because of collateral damage.

This is what I am looking for after I get off of the blood thinner. It is Eliquis and not coumadin and food does not alter this medication. I am on a double dose for 7 days and then will be weaned off in 3 months. It is interesting what you have in this list because I had thought greens were great for thinning blood, but read that if you are on coumadin that you have to watch eating greens because it THICKENS blood. I really need to understand, but I agree, I was very upset because at first they were going to put me on coumadin for 6 months.

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
I was put on the shot in the belly, can't remember the name of it as it is much easier to regulate than Warfarin. If I remember correctly what dosage given depends on one's weight. It's given an inch or two away from the belly button. Hubby gave me mine at the same time every day around 4.


Probably Lovenox. I had that also in the hospital and they were going to send me home on it for a few days and then switch, but changed their mind and put me on Eliquis.


Garden Master
Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
SW Washington
Hi, Hope/pray the best for you.

I'm not fond of Rat Poison {Warfarin} for the thinning of blood!

There are Natural, healthy things that will thin our blood~the first is Water drinking enough to remain Hydrated, than there are:
  • Parsley.
  • Kale.
  • Spinach.
  • Collard greens.
  • Asparagus.
  • Cauliflowers.
  • Celery.
  • Leeks.
  • These thin our blood in the manner it should be thinned, Not by damaging the Plasma or arteries.
  • Please don't mind my chiming in here, I'm very against coumadin. while I do use it here for the control of rodents, I resist it's use for humans because of collateral damage.
Yup, the list of vegetables contains blood thinners ... but what is the concentration of the blood thinners in each as it depends on what stage of maturity the vegetables are harvested,time of day it was harvested, how and how long they are stored befoe it is eaten, how much is one to eat to get any benefit or too much, etc, etc. ??? Oh yea, blueberries are high in vitamin K . So , what happens when you eat your slice portion of blueberry pie or a handfull or two or three of fresh berries when you go picking them off the bush ? Much better to know the exact concentration of the medication based on one' s body mass and how thin one's blood is at the start , when to take the medication and test INR periodically to know what is going on in your body. Then consider the fact that if you need surgery or tooth filling / pulling , doctors tell their patients to stop taking the medication for a week so that you do not bleed excessively from the proceedure. What happens with all the blood thiners in the vegies, do you NOT / DO eat them before any surgical proceedure ? :caf


Garden Master
Sep 1, 2009
Reaction score
WV, Zone 6B
My wife never had even an inkling of any heart / blood circulating issues, then she had aa blood clot hit her heart and she dropped onto the sidewalk. If the ambulance would have arrived just a minute or two later and didn't receive chest compression when she did to move the blood clot from her heart which then traveled to her lungs , she would have been gone. She had a 4+ hr surgery to remove as much of the blood clot as possibble , mutiple blood transfusions, then IV added blood drip to replace blood loss under her skin and between her muscles for 4 days. and 2 blood thinners. Now she takes warfarin 2x / day. She now is using a oxgen machine too and can walk slowly using a walker which she used when I walked her yesterday s l o w l y to the end of the cul de sac and back. She was exhausted after the trip and fell asleap a half hour later.

:hugs Bless her heart, you guys have really been through the mill. Glad to hear she is on the mend.

My FIL was on coumadin for years after suffering a brain stem stroke. He had to have his blood tested and his medicine adjusted on a monthly basis and wasn't allowed to eat cabbage or other leafy greens. Wasn't supposed to smoke and drink either, but did. I believe that is what took him out causing the 2nd stroke years later, so with coumadin, you really have to be cautious.

Lovenox is the safest and has the least amount of side-effects. Eliquis and (forget the name of the other brand) are newer and you have to be alert to side-effects more, but a better alternative to getting twice a day shots in the belly. My dad was not kidding when he refused to do that again.


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
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border, ID/WA(!)
Smoking not only damages lungs. It damages the lining of blood vessels.

Because of that, it is even associated with hearing loss. The heaviest smokers are the most likely to experience hearing loss!

Of course, blood circulation is everywhere in the body, not just the inner ear.


Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
I have been looking at food and things that would help prevent DVT/PE in the future. I have a friend that drinks wine swearing it will prevent her from getting a DVT. She has bad veins in her legs. I found this and really kind of surprised me that there is a difference in clots. There are arteries and there are veins and the clots are different. According to the article with this, not much in the way of food will help prevent DVT/PE.

  • Clots which occur in arteries are composed primarily of platelets with a small amount of the clotting protein fibrin. Platelets are the little particles in our blood that help us clot. Drugs most effective in preventing arterial clots are, therefore, ones which mostly effect platelets, making them slick and preventing them from clumping together.
  • Clots which occur in veins (DVT and PE) are composed primarily of fibrin, with only a small amount of platelets. Fibrin is a protein which crosslinks and forms a meshwork to help us clot. Drugs most effective in the prevention of vein clots (DVT and PE) are, therefore, ones which primarily effect fibrin, preventing it from binding together into a clot.


Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
Realized today, what an idiot I was to put up with that shortness of breath so long. I knew something was wrong. I have a primary care physician now, the same as my husband and I never had a primary care physician in my life. I know why I never went to the doctor. They think I have anxiety and that anxiety causes my symptoms, but I have always known it is the other way around. I do not get sick often, so if I have some strange symptoms I go to the doctor and I am not taken serious. The doctor at the walk in said she thought it was anxiety, but she would do these tests. I am so lucky she did the blood work on me and did not send me home with anxiety diagnosis. Now, I have something on my record and they might listen to me. Today, after working in the garden, I feel so much better.


Garden Master
Feb 17, 2010
Reaction score
Seacoast NH zone 5
i put up with the 'anxiety/stress' thing for way to many years from mostly male doctors. i finally got a different doc since i have certain family issues & the new doc says to me it wasn't all anxiety, it really is something else causing it. of course this doc is a specialist & she treats my mother, who had the same issue, so she already has the family history on record.

the pcp/community health care i've been going to for years was a big disappointment the last time i went when i said i needed to schedule my mammogram during a visit for something else, i had another doc besides the one they usually assign me. the PCP said i was too young for it at 38! that doc got the nastiest look from me & a rude awakening that i have fam hx of breast cancer diagnosed at 38 in my sister! the original issue i went in for was my twisted ankle that was affecting my knee to the point i thought i had torn the meniscus or ACL since it was popping in pain. the doc says it isn't bad enough to see the orthopaedist or have an x-ray/MRI & that they don't order those tests. :thknee & ankle still bug me but haven't been as bad since.

doctors don't seem to read the charts before they just prance in the door for the 10-15 minutes they look you over & give their 'opinion' that you re just stressed/depresses/anxiety/or just fat & lazy & whine about something they think is not important!