Country Homesteader
Deeply Rooted
What is the "fluff" part? I never heard of that on a sandwich!
It's the best on sandwiches besides PEANUT BUTTER and BANANAS!!!! Sometimes people will use it for an ice cream topping. My favorite ice cream is Chocolate/Vanilla TWIST and Choc Chip cookie dough.

All the coffee fixings is right next to the coffee pot so brew a cup then let the smell of it wake you up while sipping it to make it last longer. I'm going on my 2nd cup seeing how I've been up since 1:45 (I startled myself awake at that time by thinking I hadn't set my alarm so it was way later than it was plus Savage decided I needed to take him potty even guess who is back to sleep right now). Yup, when FH leaves around 4:30 I'm probably going to curl up on the couch and take a nap but who knows I may just stay up.
I can't believe we are in our final days of August already and heading towards September NINTH MONTH of the year. It seems just like yesterday I was awaiting for it to announce SPRING IS HERE and now it's going into Autumn and Halloween then it will be Thanksgiving then WINTER which comes Christmas and New Years. I know I'm looking forward to either Oct 20 or 21 seeing how I'm going to Amelia Frightfest to see the original Jeepers Creepers truck (from the first movie) which is making a special guest appearance on those two days. Nope, FH isn't going with me seeing how he doesn't like movies like that.