

Garden Addicted
Jun 9, 2018
Reaction score
Vermont, USA (zone 4)

Happy Thursday!!! :woot on the verge of the weekend eve!!! On my 2nd cup so Y'all fix a cup and join me on the patio under the table umbrella lights (1st pic attached), it's 63 out there right and feels great. There is also a pitcher of sweet sun tea I made yesterday that I have icing down so it will be cold for any and all who wants a glass. Speaking of glasses they are in the cupboard above the coffee pot. 2nd pic I attached is Savage on top of the dog crates last evening. He thinks he's smarty pants but he does get down on his own now which is a plus.
Love the lights on your table umbrella, and your dog is very cute.

Country Homesteader

Deeply Rooted
Jan 11, 2023
Reaction score
Crewe, Virginia

Hip Hip HOORAY :clap:celebrate:weee:bow:woot! It's the weekend which means I go tomorrow (Sat afternoon) to get sized and styled for a wedding dress even though my plan is not to have a real wedding dress per say but at least I and the "Bride Squad" will know the style I need to look for in a dress.
Everything is next to the coffee pot so go ahead and fix a cup before heading out to the patio in the 71 degree but humid morning.
I often make a pot of Spanish rice with lots of peppers and other good things,
I'm not crazy about rice but will eat it at least once a week (tonight's dinner is going to be Chinese so yup whatever combo I get comes with "fried rice"). FH loves rice and black beans (yup, I know beans are an alternative for protein so it's healthy but I have never been crazy about rice).
your dog is very cute
Thank you and he knows he's handsome and VERY VERY spoiled!!! He's supposed to be a Great Dane/ Cane Corso mix but not totally sure what he is but all I know his fur is very very soft. I don't think any other dog (my other 4 or anyone else's that I have ever came across has been as soft as him!!!).


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
Good Morning.

Breakfast same as yesterday ~ oatmeal with raisins and honey, almond milk ~ melon. Difference is that I added cream cheese instead of butter to the hot oatmeal.

Nothing quite as bland as white rice, @Country Homesteader . That means "additions" can be made. I don't think Mom had much of a rice interest either but fried rice at the Chinese restaurant was a good introduction for a kid. It was also a good introduction to cilantro, although that fragrance also greeted us at the Mexican restaurant :).

Rice was in the stuffed peppers, yesterday. However, chopped peppers were included so it was really pepper-dominant.

I should post a picture of the Big Bertha in the backyard. It isn't unusual despite growing in a pot of compost. The ones in the garden have about the same production. The difference, perhaps, is that we haven't picked any of the peppers off it since so many have been coming home from the veggie garden. I wonder how much of a plant's photosynthesis takes place in green fruit. Certainly, there is more fruit surface area than leaves.

Extra stuffed peppers now in freezer. And, another run to the garden planned for this morning. Better check the wind forecast – need to build soil moisture ahead of 3 more days in the 90's.


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
Good Morning.

Out turning on the motion detection light collecting some lemon verbena sprigs for the herbal tea. Tragic that I had the bounty of anise hyssop (now all in bloom and delighting the bees 🐝) which I am fairly comfortable in replacing with fennel seed or licorice root. Meanwhile, what I feel is safe to harvest from the 2 LV plants is finished in 3 days ... not the 6 months of Fall and Winter that will soon be required. So, enjoy it while you can!

Stuffed peppers are out of the oven. Easy peasy :). The Giant Marconi are so large this year that splitting them and laying horizontal has worked just fine. Usually, I'm chopping the sweet Italian peppers and putting everything in a casserole. That is fine, too.

Caught up on at-home yard and garden work after the days of Unhealthy/Hazardous smoke. I need to mow the backyard twice this week. Yesterday, I decided to set the lawnmower higher to get thru the grass. Lots of Asian greens were pulled and piled that needed to find room to compost in-place in the backyard garden. Walk behind mowing and then weed wacking followed by shovel work -- good to have clean air to breathe!

Edit: 44°f (7C) outdoors, hanging out bedding ... we will back to the 90's this weekend 🙄
So... DH wanted the electricians to find some elusive wire that the previous owners used to light up some kind of lawn ornament, would have come from the garage. Couldn't find it, DH left for the office, I suggested a dusk to dawn unit above the 32 inch door, which they installed.
I looked at local hardware/livestock store and they DO make photoelectric LED light bulbs, so I bought 2 and replaced the bulbs in the two lights, front of the garage.
It's fun to watch. One front light turns on, then 10 minutes later the Other front light turns on, then 10 minutes later the hardwired dusk to dawn turns on.
I can now leave the switch on and still get lights at night.
AND they are all very bright!:D


Garden Addicted
Dec 15, 2011
Reaction score
SE Oregon
Fen is already daydreaming


Sounds like the cowboys are pulling out late this morning and he wants to go…but then, so do I!

No coffee yet as it would mean I have to be officially awake. I got him fed (he let me sleep until 5:30. I am NOT a morning person 😳)
He brought me his blackmarket wares to sell (TheMan’s TV thing which I find hilarious, plus he kept dropping it when trying to hand it off and then, disgusted with me, jumped up on the footrest so I wouldn’t fumble it, and promptly dropped it off the other side. He didn’t appreciate my laughter)

Will get the chicken coop painted today (its been put off for 13 years 😳)
then cut back all the branches from the apricot tree which is covered in wasps, eating all the undersized rotting fruit

It’s a nightmare this year! Then I pray the man gets the new roof on and my rabbit cages in before Sept 1. We are down to the wire. No wonder I am always stressed, as he always waits until AFTER something needed to be done to think about it :barnie



Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
Good Morning. I was reflecting on changes over time after a newspaper guy wrote something about how the voice mail recording his mother put on her cellphone began with, "I'm not here right now ..."

Then, reading in @ducks4you 's thread @SPedigrees and @flowerbug talking about Windows 🤔.

Check my email and there is such a sophisticated scam notice of a security service enrollment and payment. Remembering my 100 year-old father scrambling to answer his cellphone and respond to someone selling a car warranty ... I saw a picture of a museum statue of a guy in a chair listening to a vacuum tube radio and remembering Dad doing that, long, long ago.

Thinking of the granny flat that I once rented one Summer between college semesters and the phone that connected to the main house — wall-mounted with a hand crank ringer. Talking to my 85 year old neighbor yesterday who refuses to use a computer :).

Wondering about bridges too far …

Another picture from the mural above the paneling in my kitchen. Yes. The artist incorporated the cover for a wood cook stove chimney vent that once graced this 100+ year-old house.


Garden Addicted
Dec 15, 2011
Reaction score
SE Oregon
Going to work on that apricot tree growing over the chicken pen and rake up the fruit on the ground…wonder what to do with it because of the pits? Hope I don’t fall from ladder this time, I still hurt from crashing to the ground when harvesting elderberries. My balance isnt too good, I need to ride more to build up strength and balance…I can’t find my other horse, he’s out on the ranch SOMEWHERE, see if I can get the cowboys to run him in when they gather the cavvy again. But I really need to finish the chicken/rabbit pen.
I really need some brandy in my coffee 😳