Craigslist and Other Bargains


Garden Master
Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
San Francisco East Bay
Thanks for the picture Nyboy. I couldn't visualize it in my little head.

Yay Beekissed! It is sooooo much fun to find free stuff. Yesterday I got 2 free red wire chairs that the poster described as rusty. That's exactly what I love!



Garden Master
May 15, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern Panhandle, WV
Mary I love when things are re purposed (sp) Good for you with chairs to her rust to you patina

NY, I found your Graceland today....all I could think about was that you should rent a truck and make a trip to WV. It would save you a lot of money on CL, especially while gas is this cheap. I found an "antiques" place that would take a person months to see all the items they had there, both inside and out. In some little podunk town in the next county....HUGE inventory inside and out, all the stuff you like and at bargain basement prices, compared to what you find on CL in NY.

Those iron fences you like? $50 a panel...stacks of 'em. Wooden ladders? Longest ones I've ever seen, in rows, leaning up against the building. Wood cook stoves just sitting everywhere...most of them out in the weather, but I can't imagine why they think that's okay. Every imaginable old metal this or that, iron beds, tools, doors, mink stoles, collars and coats, costume jewelry and everything one could imagine from boats to horse racing buggies to the smallest vintage and antique items. These folks had a full mount albino elk!! :thAnd a water buffalo mount.

I didn't even get to see the top floor of this space or the extra buildings full of things. All with reasonable prices if one were in the market for antique furniture, cabinets, dishes...well...antique anything, really. They had more antiques~and a bigger variety~ in one place than I had ever seen and I've seen many an "antique mall" in my lifetime.

Mom and I just walked through that place with our mouths agape and exclamations of "WOW!!!" and "Oh, LOOK!"...we were there an hour and only got to see the front porch and two rooms and a little tour of the parking lot items, but that was just a skimming sort of visit. A person could have spent an hour in just one corner of one room looking at all the pieces they had jammed in this place from floor to ceiling. There were just narrow aisles to squeeze through.

Oh, need a truck and a nice, long drive south to bring home all the things you'd want to buy. A BIG truck. You could take that stuff up yonder and flip it, while turning a HUGE profit, paying for your trip, your initial investment and any antique items you wanted for your own. :th

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
South-est, central-est Wisconsin
That seems a lot of money for two animals you'll have to feed and care for before butchering. They are precious looking, though. I'll agree on that.

If I wanted a pet. . .