Garden Master
Hi everyone. I haven't been on much lately - just not a lot of 'garden' stuff going on around here this year. I stop in now and then to see what yall are up to though.
Anywho, I wanted to pop in and share with those that might be interested that Eva has had calf #3. A boy with a WILD white face.
No name yet, but I really like the idea of naming him "three" or "third" in a different language.
Both are doing great.
I've just about mastered mozzarella making
this time around. Last time, I didn't really get much past making hard, rubbery human chew toys

Anywho, I wanted to pop in and share with those that might be interested that Eva has had calf #3. A boy with a WILD white face.

No name yet, but I really like the idea of naming him "three" or "third" in a different language.
Both are doing great.
I've just about mastered mozzarella making