Garden Master
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Not old layers or tough roosters. It would be REAL chewy!
Wellsomer roosters were some of the most vicious roosters I ever had.The Delaware Mean Girls are on ice. Joining them for the ice party are two extremely vicious Wellsummer roosters and 2 roosters belonging to a neighbor. It took us 4 hours, an hour to clean up, then we hit the shower. The ice chest is in the kitchen floor, I'll start canning tomorrow.
I love my animals and when I slaughter, I have a certain reverence for them. Not. This. Time.
I always say a prayer over them, thanking them for their lives and thanking them for feeding us. Not. This. Time.
I talk to them gently, apologizing and treating them with sympathy, like some kind of weirdo-talking to a dead chicken. Not. This. Time.
I trash talked these birds. I told every one of them, "You killed my Elsa, the only one in the coop that I liked. You killed her. This is for Elsa. I'm going to eat you. You pissed me off. You're a dead #itch now." And so on. My husband was laughing at me. I was nice to the neighbor's roosters. I razzed the mean Wellsummer roosters that hit the wire when I walked by. They were so mean that I couldn't go in their coop. Haha! You don't like me-I don't like you! Be mean to me-I'm mean right back at cha'.
There was a Silver Laced Delaware named Dottie in the coop that is 6 years old, she's a pet and still lives. There were two little black hens in there that are living examples of being at the bottom of the pecking order. They are practically naked. They still live. I turned them out to join RooRoo, a crippled rooster that the hens in another coop were about to kill when I rescued him from them. Somehow, he broke both legs and he flops around, but I just can't make myself slaughter him. They will roam at will and can live out their lives being yard chickens.
Now you tell me.....Wellsomer roosters were some of the most vicious roosters I ever had.
OMG....Now I need a nap.Now you tell me.....I was excited to find Wellsummers at a local poultry sale because of their dark brown eggs. I have two hens, they will join an Easter egger roo.
Tired. We decked our good neighbor's porch. I went up on the roof, DH and Robert pushed the plywood up to me, helped position it and I screwed it down. He didn't have any tar paper, we did, and we had a half a box of tar paper nails with the plastic rounds on them. The guys went to go get them, I relaxed on the roof until they got back. They rolled out the tar paper on the ground, rolled it up and put it on the roof. I rolled it out and tacked it down. We got home at 1:30, took showers. I ate a piece of sausage and a hunk of cheese. Then I cut up the 10 chickens, pot of boneless meat is in the refrigerator, bones are still in the ice chest. I finished that at 4:30, then started supper.
Tomorrow is busy all day, Wednesday morning we take the hogs to slaughter, THEN I can come home and can all that chicken and make/can broth!